Is Nugent still with Medicis?

I agree. I don't think we realized how good we had it. Its a disaster now. No leadership, no money, no direction, just a bunch of miserable people waiting for openings at other decent companies.

Unfortunatley it is the karma that was destined for Jonah and his leadership. It is unfortunate that the whole ship had to go down. We did make some good money but it as never rationed fairly based on performance and assigned goals. If they did it fairly, they would have listed everyones assigned goal and attainment for all to see. It was never done. Karma. too bad. Awesome reps and friends at Medicis. Too bad its come to this. They were good days.

Unfortunatley it is the karma that was destined for Jonah and his leadership. It is unfortunate that the whole ship had to go down. We did make some good money but it as never rationed fairly based on performance and assigned goals. If they did it fairly, they would have listed everyones assigned goal and attainment for all to see. It was never done. Karma. too bad. Awesome reps and friends at Medicis. Too bad its come to this. They were good days.

Another poor performing rep heard from. Jonah wasn't sitting around setting goals. Other people are better at this than you, face it. Rationed fairly? The comp plan wasn't clearly written? I thought we got rid of all of the whiney, over paid Medicis reps.

Another poor performing rep heard from. Jonah wasn't sitting around setting goals. Other people are better at this than you, face it. Rationed fairly? The comp plan wasn't clearly written? I thought we got rid of all of the whiney, over paid Medicis reps.

that's becuase you've only ever worked with a company who did things this way. When Salt lake City has to sell more than Beverly Hills or MAnhattan - somethings really effed up about that. Really? You can't see that? You must have been a talking suit then.
Work for a real company as a comparator so you can see where the market demands would be more, the goals will be in line with that. Not a system of assigning goals based on who JOnah wanted for his next bride. jackass

that's becuase you've only ever worked with a company who did things this way. When Salt lake City has to sell more than Beverly Hills or MAnhattan - somethings really effed up about that. Really? You can't see that? You must have been a talking suit then.
Work for a real company as a comparator so you can see where the market demands would be more, the goals will be in line with that. Not a system of assigning goals based on who JOnah wanted for his next bride. jackass

I'm going to let the poor grammar and the misspellings go for the moment. There are 3 reps in Manhattan and 3 in Beverly Hills. Their combined goals are well over 3 times the goal in Salt Lake City.
Any other comments?


I'm going to let the poor grammar and the misspellings go for the moment. There are 3 reps in Manhattan and 3 in Beverly Hills. Their combined goals are well over 3 times the goal in Salt Lake City.
Any other comments?

Actually, yes, you moron. Clearly you didn't come from the Medicis side of this doomed acquisition, or else you'd understand math and forecasting. You can't combine/divide goals, nor decide whether they are attainable, based on the number of reps working the territory! You must have an extra chromosome. Market potential and market conditions should determine goals... Not the size of the city or the amount of reps. Go back to playing with yourself. Absolutely worthless response. I'm assuming you're a Coria DM from your lack of intelligence. This is why Medicis reps went from making 20k a quarter to 5k a quarter. Please resign. Valeant is a joke because of people like you.


Actually, yes, you moron. Clearly you didn't come from the Medicis side of this doomed acquisition, or else you'd understand math and forecasting. You can't combine/divide goals, nor decide whether they are attainable, based on the number of reps working the territory! You must have an extra chromosome. Market potential and market conditions should determine goals... Not the size of the city or the amount of reps. Go back to playing with yourself. Absolutely worthless response. I'm assuming you're a Coria DM from your lack of intelligence. This is why Medicis reps went from making 20k a quarter to 5k a quarter. Please resign. Valeant is a joke because of people like you.

Medicis reps were making way more than 20k. The average last year was well over 30k. The great reps were making between 40k and 60k per quarter.
Based on what we know about you, you were a below average rep that has access to google maps. Where should we get market conditions and potential data?

Actually, you fucking r*****... The top derm reps this past year were making 50k and the lower ranking reps were making 5k. It's called AN AVERAGE. You clearly came from the Valeant side of the acquisition, or are jobless, fucktard. Thanks for your useless response. Forecasting and potential data should constructed from a team of people that Valeant just DOESNT have. They look at managed care, patient demographics, etc. MAYBE YOU COULD WORK IN THIS DIVISION???? Doesn't look like you get much sleep anyway. Loser.

Pharma reps making 50k per qtr is a joke. You got lucky and probably worked hard but it's not going to happen again. If you think companies are looking to pay pharma reps that kind of money in the future you are delusional.

Actually, you fucking r*****... The top derm reps this past year were making 50k and the lower ranking reps were making 5k. It's called AN AVERAGE. You clearly came from the Valeant side of the acquisition, or are jobless, fucktard. Thanks for your useless response. Forecasting and potential data should constructed from a team of people that Valeant just DOESNT have. They look at managed care, patient demographics, etc. MAYBE YOU COULD WORK IN THIS DIVISION???? Doesn't look like you get much sleep anyway. Loser.

Who cares about derm. That's a bs pharma job. I'm talking about aesthetics.
Based on the 160k difference in pay you're describing, I'll stay put.
Good luck landing another pharma position. Make sure you let your caterer know.


Medicis reps were making way more than 20k. The average last year was well over 30k. The great reps were making between 40k and 60k per quarter.
Based on what we know about you, you were a below average rep that has access to google maps. Where should we get market conditions and potential data?

so define a "great rep" , without using former medicis criteria . My point exactly. so childish

Actually, you fucking r*****... The top derm reps this past year were making 50k and the lower ranking reps were making 5k. It's called AN AVERAGE. You clearly came from the Valeant side of the acquisition, or are jobless, fucktard. Thanks for your useless response. Forecasting and potential data should constructed from a team of people that Valeant just DOESNT have. They look at managed care, patient demographics, etc. MAYBE YOU COULD WORK IN THIS DIVISION???? Doesn't look like you get much sleep anyway. Loser.

So you are "AN AVERAGE" rep? Thanks for the clarification. Valeant has no use for average performers complaining about their goal and payout. Sell more, make more.

Don't bother going over to Allergan, they are a total cluster mess. The grass is definitely not any greener there. I work there and it is not a good place to work. Upper management is a disgrace and HR totally sucks. Culture and morale is shot. Big pharma at it's worst. Stay where you are. Or get out of pharma completely!!!!

So you are "AN AVERAGE" rep? Thanks for the clarification. Valeant has no use for average performers complaining about their goal and payout. Sell more, make more.

You are right, Valeant only has use for LOSERS. All of the GOOD reps have gotten the hell outta here. "Average" reps are way too good for Valeant. Medicis was pay for performance, Valeant is NOT.