Is Novartis Oncology still Toxic?

More like 10 years behind. Feels like we are working in the 1980's with this company. I think we are all going to get Commodore 64 computers and dot matrix printers next!! Can't believe we still fax? Really?

Some Clarinex D Schering RD that is buddies with the East RD in Oncology. Good ol boy network. The masters club manager with 25 years experience that had Florida got booted for his buddy. When will Novartis learn? Too late, everyone under 50 years old is out of here as fast as possible, everyone else can't leave, too comfortable and too vested!!! Feel sorry for those Florida reps!!

JW. She got shafted. RD really doesn't like her, I hear. Nice BC! We really have alot of confidence in you!!! NOT!! Cant wait to hear his spin after CS gets up there to spin this one. Once again, please don't applaude or acknowlege there ineptitude. BTW, did anyone else get invited to have dinner with CS? I did and I am working on what I plan to say.