Elite? Hardly, the reputation of this company is not good. FDA is coming after them hard right now....more 483's on their way!! Very slimey sales force.
MAQUET is one of the most messed up companies on earth! You have the Datascope people who think there crap does not stink! Bernardo, Terranova, Ciley what a bunch of incompetents! They put out Cardiosave two years before it was ready and it is a disaster! The CS100 and CS300 is junk.
The FDA has not taken action even though there have been recalls after recalls. The manage by profit and thats it! I wonder when is someone going to send a case of documents to the media and FDA.
The patients are at risk and no one cares!
I think Maquet is an elite company still, that is why BSI is looking to purchase them. They can strengthen there position in the OR and cath lab, plus they get great leaders in the merger. The question is can Boston even afford an elite company like Maquet
If you call an elite company one with decent products and decent people in the field, ineffective and spineless middle managers, narcassistic and greedy upper management then yes, it is elite in it's warped imagination. Not a good environment. Horrible culture of indtimidation and unrealistic expectations. Hard working and energetic people are not valued.
lol how's that clip doing? Did anyone in org get fired for this decision??? Why were leaders last to understand this market? Terumo must have had a good laugh. Ever heard of AtriCure?
MAQUET is one of the most messed up companies on earth! You have the Datascope people who think there crap does not stink! Bernardo, Terranova, Ciley what a bunch of incompetents! They put out Cardiosave two years before it was ready and it is a disaster! The CS100 and CS300 is junk.
The FDA has not taken action even though there have been recalls after recalls. The manage by profit and thats it! I wonder when is someone going to send a case of documents to the media and FDA.
The patients are at risk and no one cares!
I'm sorry, but you have no idea what you are talking about. Maquet is a great company. The fact that you said the CS100 and CS300 are junk show you are just a frustrated Arrow rep who is tired of getting your ass handed to you with your technology that hasn't changed since 2003. I've been meaning to ask - how do those conversations go when your customers ask how the new pumps have improved since the ones they bought from you 12 years ago? Oh right - you don't have any customers, because they have all switched to Maquet.
Seriously though, for those who are really interested in positions at Maquet - I can tell you I couldn't be happier. Fantastic middle management (an extreme rarity), but even more importantly the heads of the sales and marketing teams are top notch- which trickles down. For what it's worth, I've worked in 5 different organizations of various sizes in medical devices, and non have been as impressive. The training program was world class, and I am very impressed with my colleagues. They seem to hire top shelf reps and clinicians.
Just my 2 cents.