Is it true, clinical lab closing?

Is this happening or is it fake?

Its true. They left. For the record it was the "former CLO" who walked (she was demoted to lab director months ago). And shadows can't exist when there is nothing to cast them. And apparently the med director is sick of the nonsense and wants his name off the reports. Sounds like absolute confidence.

Currently as it stands the executive committee closed the lab and will outsource all work to labcorp. The compliance officer or some other genious put generic techs in charge of the lab while it grinds to a close. They hope to funnel all patient results from labcorp onto a Bostwick report via an LIS interface and charge the client for playing middleman rather than having the client send all clinical and AP to labcorp and avoid the behind-the-scenes debauchery. So nobody tell the clients, please.

Labcorp is actually hiring processors to work in the glen Allen bostwick location just to send out the samples to their lab. Honestly this arrangement is a great setup for both businesses. It allows bostwick to focus on their primary business which is to drag out the death of their slowly dying pathology departments, and it allows labcorp to profit off the demise of a competitor. I must admit that for years I wanted to see that ship go down in a most glorious fashion but this executive team has denied me that by dragging it out in a most boring and anticlimactic fashion. Kudos! I think...

Is this happening or is it fake?
I hope when I get to Phoenix, that I'll have company.

I pray the ENTIRE company flops like a fish out of water, these people are scam artists.....& not very good ones, & I pray god makes them all suffer for all their wrongdoings to not only the clients, but more importantly the EMPLOYEES, past & present.