Is it really that bad here?


I don't work here, but am thinking of applying. In reading through these messages, however, it looks like Novartis is evil incarnate. Is it really that bad here? Or is it just a case of disgruntled employees venting on an anonymous message board, and things are fine?


If you look at pretty much every board here, ALL companies suck and treat their employees like crap. Nothing new around NVS - there are good and bad spots to land, just pray you find a good one. Been here a long time and it hasn't always been great, but I've done well to stay away from the layoff pool. They do like moving execs around a lot, and each has their own ideas on how to 'leave their mark'. Unfortunately, it's usually a skid mark and you are the one being tasked with changing your routine for nothing, even if you know it makes zero sense. You just put your head down, do your job and wait for the next rotation.

If you look at pretty much every board here, ALL companies suck and treat their employees like crap. Nothing new around NVS - there are good and bad spots to land, just pray you find a good one. Been here a long time and it hasn't always been great, but I've done well to stay away from the layoff pool. They do like moving execs around a lot, and each has their own ideas on how to 'leave their mark'. Unfortunately, it's usually a skid mark and you are the one being tasked with changing your routine for nothing, even if you know it makes zero sense. You just put your head down, do your job and wait for the next rotation.

In other words...It pretty much sucks here.

I don't work here, but am thinking of applying. In reading through these messages, however, it looks like Novartis is evil incarnate. Is it really that bad here? Or is it just a case of disgruntled employees venting on an anonymous message board, and things are fine?

The worst part is the company reputation. Look at the scandals. Most companies do not have 1 issue let alone many. If you are ethical you might want to research the issues that you probably know about and others which are not news worthy - yet. They are listed on Cafepharma

The micromanagement is encouraged. There is a potential 20% bonus hold back. I could go on but it is all listed on these boards.

If you look at pretty much every board here, ALL companies suck and treat their employees like crap. Nothing new around NVS - there are good and bad spots to land, just pray you find a good one. Been here a long time and it hasn't always been great, but I've done well to stay away from the layoff pool. They do like moving execs around a lot, and each has their own ideas on how to 'leave their mark'. Unfortunately, it's usually a skid mark and you are the one being tasked with changing your routine for nothing, even if you know it makes zero sense. You just put your head down, do your job and wait for the next rotation.

All I can tell you is that I worked here w/ the CV Division for 1 year. I worked for 2 other companies prior and got laid off from each. this company NVS, I resigned after 1 year w/ out another job lined up. I could not take the child like behavior of not only the Managers but several of the Reps in my district. There is just to much ugliness w/ this company and it is all detail in many of the threads here on the NVS page. I've never seen a company so toxic in all my years.

All I can tell you is that I worked here w/ the CV Division for 1 year. I worked for 2 other companies prior and got laid off from each. this company NVS, I resigned after 1 year w/ out another job lined up. I could not take the child like behavior of not only the Managers but several of the Reps in my district. There is just to much ugliness w/ this company and it is all detail in many of the threads here on the NVS page. I've never seen a company so toxic in all my years.

You are so right.

If you look at pretty much every board here, ALL companies suck and treat their employees like crap. Nothing new around NVS - there are good and bad spots to land, just pray you find a good one. Been here a long time and it hasn't always been great, but I've done well to stay away from the layoff pool. They do like moving execs around a lot, and each has their own ideas on how to 'leave their mark'. Unfortunately, it's usually a skid mark and you are the one being tasked with changing your routine for nothing, even if you know it makes zero sense. You just put your head down, do your job and wait for the next rotation.

Very well described.

Well said.

It became really very bad the last 7 years under J. Reinhardt. With Dan Vasella in charge, none of the in general always poor managers in Novartis dared to act, like they do today. Reinhardt simply doesn`t care and supports and fosters poor management – and old “Daddy” on a retirement and revenge (for being kicked out mission) trip.

Here's what's going to happen to you.

You are going to haphazardly accept the job against your better judgment. When you get to training NVS on the 1st day is going to tell you about "The Oral Boards" 10 ambiguous details you have to learn and memorize and have to be able to recite randomly to get out of training. Which in itself your "gut will be telling you this was a bad decision. But you will accept the challenge because that is how you are wired.

When you do get out of training, on your first day in the field your brilliant ABL will have one of his senior "washed up" reps "Coach" you in the field on what "good" looks like. Now this person is truly unique!! He has been told he is in "Management Training" and they have bought into it "Hook Line an Sinker". If you ask them, and you should, how long they been in this Phantom Limbo they will tell you YEARS!!! Seriously, you will meet some stupid gullible people w/ this company and they are everywhere because it's a breeding ground. It dosen't matter that you have 10 years experience and know all your MDs personally. Doesn't matter that you just spent 3 weeks of your life memorizing 10 Oral Boards and passing several tests. Nothing matters w/ this company and there is NO personal boundaries.

Next up will be the ABL work w/ from a ABL that believes they are a High School "Coach" they will not talk to you as if you are an adult but as if you have never held a job in your life let alone you have been an experienced Pharma Rep for years. They probably played a high school sport, NOT College level mind you, but HIGH SCHOOL. Mine said he was a High School Wrestler....dude weighed maybe 140lbs and was skinny as a rail. Mind you this person is bragging about their HIGH SCHOOL activities and they are in their 40's!! If your GUT at this point isn't telling you that you've been had by the recruiter nothing will.

Next up, Your ABL will tell you about what he calls a 1 on 1. This little nugget is a conference call 1x a month for eternity about the "numbers". Granted the detail piece hasn't changed in 4 years, same information. The MDs in the territory are barely writing the products but the ABL will ask you about the ones that are NOT writing and never will. This is what they call "Definition of Insanity" doing the same thing over and over and getting the same "nothing" result, It's the NVS way. This is how NVS operates, they try to sell MDs that will never ever write the product and NOT call on the ones that are embracing your and making the numbers. You will scratch your head everyt ime you have a conversation w/ the ABL and ask your self...did he just say that? Did that just happen?

Finally the weekly Monday Conference call....Your esteemed ABL will be asking you what "personally" have you done over the weekend, Like it's any of their business. Again, NO personal boundaries ever! This Monday C/C happens every Monday into perpetuity too, remember the story/Information hasn't changed in 4 guess how much there is to talk about every Monday... Again... Definition of Insanity. You will scratch your head every Monday at 9am. My guess, after 4 to 6 weeks you will thoroughly realize how bad a decision you have made coming to NVS.

Is the MS team as bad as these other descriptions??

When Gilenya was launched 8 years ago it was the 1st oral MS drug.Huge news.Of course the large MS centers knew this drug was launching.Many Neurologists who were not MS specialists do not follow MS drug launches.The brilliant Marketing and Management team would not allow the reps to even mention it was an oral medication.This means when a general Neurologist or MS dr. was presented with the data no part of the presentation mentioned an oral medication.If you were not there at launch you would never ever believe this story.The reps who were realized at the launch meeting they made a big mistake accepting this position.

Here's what's going to happen to you.

You are going to haphazardly accept the job against your better judgment. When you get to training NVS on the 1st day is going to tell you about "The Oral Boards" 10 ambiguous details you have to learn and memorize and have to be able to recite randomly to get out of training. Which in itself your "gut will be telling you this was a bad decision. But you will accept the challenge because that is how you are wired.

When you do get out of training, on your first day in the field your brilliant ABL will have one of his senior "washed up" reps "Coach" you in the field on what "good" looks like. Now this person is truly unique!! He has been told he is in "Management Training" and they have bought into it "Hook Line an Sinker". If you ask them, and you should, how long they been in this Phantom Limbo they will tell you YEARS!!! Seriously, you will meet some stupid gullible people w/ this company and they are everywhere because it's a breeding ground. It dosen't matter that you have 10 years experience and know all your MDs personally. Doesn't matter that you just spent 3 weeks of your life memorizing 10 Oral Boards and passing several tests. Nothing matters w/ this company and there is NO personal boundaries.

Next up will be the ABL work w/ from a ABL that believes they are a High School "Coach" they will not talk to you as if you are an adult but as if you have never held a job in your life let alone you have been an experienced Pharma Rep for years. They probably played a high school sport, NOT College level mind you, but HIGH SCHOOL. Mine said he was a High School Wrestler....dude weighed maybe 140lbs and was skinny as a rail. Mind you this person is bragging about their HIGH SCHOOL activities and they are in their 40's!! If your GUT at this point isn't telling you that you've been had by the recruiter nothing will.

Next up, Your ABL will tell you about what he calls a 1 on 1. This little nugget is a conference call 1x a month for eternity about the "numbers". Granted the detail piece hasn't changed in 4 years, same information. The MDs in the territory are barely writing the products but the ABL will ask you about the ones that are NOT writing and never will. This is what they call "Definition of Insanity" doing the same thing over and over and getting the same "nothing" result, It's the NVS way. This is how NVS operates, they try to sell MDs that will never ever write the product and NOT call on the ones that are embracing your and making the numbers. You will scratch your head everyt ime you have a conversation w/ the ABL and ask your self...did he just say that? Did that just happen?

Finally the weekly Monday Conference call....Your esteemed ABL will be asking you what "personally" have you done over the weekend, Like it's any of their business. Again, NO personal boundaries ever! This Monday C/C happens every Monday into perpetuity too, remember the story/Information hasn't changed in 4 guess how much there is to talk about every Monday... Again... Definition of Insanity. You will scratch your head every Monday at 9am. My guess, after 4 to 6 weeks you will thoroughly realize how bad a decision you have made coming to NVS.

My God! How well put. So on the money.
You have a future on Management Consultancy or writing. I love how you capture each of the steps, your humor... they say that sometimes the truest things are said in jest. I loved it.
You nailed it!!!!

Some of the negativity here is unwarranted’s a good company to work for plain and simple. The rep role has changed so much over the last few years so some of the sentiment is related to that. There are certainly better sales teams than others so need to do some d/d based on the brand, your experience, LOA timeline, etc...