Ahhh... I see the fuck up fairy has visited us again...
They fired someone in surgical services that was doing a great job. This person cursed at someone that reports to them. This person has not had a write up before for anything nor a verbal warning for anything. "HR" aka, Head r*****s, said it caused a hostile work environment. Well, well, well...how about the hostile work environment at our Sun Valley office?!?! When you would hear Napolean yelling and cursing all the way from the second floor. Making racist jokes as he walked down the hall. Where was HR then?!?!?! So glad Napolean is in Minnesota now. UHS is run by 2 people...Larry, Moe & Curly.
DO NOT TRUST HR, DO NOT TRUST CORPORATE. And boo hoo, UHS didn't get the HCA contract. Could it also have to do with the fact that NOBODY in the industry likes us?!? They know UHS is full of liars??!!