There is nothing scarier than having your income dependent on a deranged company like this. However one leaves - quitting or being fired - it is better than staying. There is nothing to fear besides staying at this crazy place. Management can't scare a group of people who are already working in hell.

You sure about that last sentence sweetheart? Your days are numbered. PIP EM AND POP EM

There is nothing scarier than having your income dependent on a deranged company like this. However one leaves - quitting or being fired - it is better than staying. There is nothing to fear besides staying at this crazy place. Management can't scare a group of people who are already working in hell.

Ha! so true!

I have seen a firebrand do a "sit and fit" and get 9 vests perfectly fitted and insurance secured in one day. Firebrands are actually looking to potentially expand the LV outside of cardiology (possible ideas have been Parkinson's treatment, Depression and Chronic Pain). Think about it this way, if you complain of chronic pain and then periodically feel the terror, strength and brutality of the LV that little chronic pain won't seem so life altering anymore... Only a new breed could come up with ideas so daring! God bless these young soldiers.

I have seen a firebrand do a "sit and fit" and get 9 vests perfectly fitted and insurance secured in one day. Firebrands are actually looking to potentially expand the LV outside of cardiology (possible ideas have been Parkinson's treatment, Depression and Chronic Pain). Think about it this way, if you complain of chronic pain and then periodically feel the terror, strength and brutality of the LV that little chronic pain won't seem so life altering anymore... Only a new breed could come up with ideas so daring! God bless these young soldiers.

I have seen a firebrand do a "sit and fit" and get 9 vests perfectly fitted and insurance secured in one day. Firebrands are actually looking to potentially expand the LV outside of cardiology (possible ideas have been Parkinson's treatment, Depression and Chronic Pain). Think about it this way, if you complain of chronic pain and then periodically feel the terror, strength and brutality of the LV that little chronic pain won't seem so life altering anymore... Only a new breed could come up with ideas so daring! God bless these young soldiers.
24 hour provider turnaround is very impressive. I know in house has been doing a much better job getting the Life-vests back in under 48 hours. I do have to question using this for pain patients when it clearly isn't indicated. It's an interesting approach but you could jeopardize further reimbursement.