is globus forming a truama line?

Supposedly Globus is handing out massive guaranteed contracts. I heard multi-year $500k per year for a trauma rep turned manager. Wow, that's a lotta mulla! If true, how many times can they afford to do that? Now would be a good time to grab one if they're still making crazy deals. Big guarantees never pan out for the companies that pay them but there's absolutely no reason to stick around to watch the shit show here.

Supposedly Globus is handing out massive guaranteed contracts. I heard multi-year $500k per year for a trauma rep turned manager. Wow, that's a lotta mulla! If true, how many times can they afford to do that? Now would be a good time to grab one if they're still making crazy deals. Big guarantees never pan out for the companies that pay them but there's absolutely no reason to stick around to watch the shit show here.

How many points is globus paying for trauma?

How many points is globus paying for trauma?
Don't know but not sure it's relevant since they don't have much of a product line. It's not time to jump unless an unbelievable guarantee falls in your lap. Good reps are already earning good bucks, even with commission cuts past and future. The big question is will Globus spend the enormous amount of money needed to build a competitive and complete trauma system.

That is a low blow about DL. Let the man RIP. Their are plenty of others, quality surgeons that want to find a new company to work with and that listens to the surgeons. They will poach all the big guys in the DS universe.

The huge difference between spine and trauma is that in spine you can give a rep a large territory, and he can convert 2 to 3 surgeons (likely that he worked with in his previous company). Those surgeons can do as few as 8-15 cases a month at $8k to $20k per, and rep is doing well. To do those 10 cases, you can get by with a few local sets, plus sets shipped in from home office. With trauma, most of the cases bill out at less then $2k, and you never know when they will go. You need consignment of multiple sets at big hospitals to get any consistent business going (Dr is not going to keep calling you to drop a tibial nail or distal radius set, if there are two other sets in house, plus 5 hour sterilization will c block bad planning). At least 50% of Synthes reps sales are Sims cabinet reorders of B5, Can Screws, Ex fix, drill bits, k-wires.

The Globus trauma move is stupid, and out west they are hiring ex wash out Synthes reps (yes thats you Rob Toni), and ASC type Styker and Smith and Nephew Reps.

The biggest problem with Synthes Trauma business is that hospitals got smarter: stopped by sets, stopped stuffing sims, and started negotiating big discounts. You couple that with adding ASC's and Quintilles that trauma reps have to pay for, its not worth it. The amazing part is that hospital expected better service level (ankle, BBF, and DHS...) coverage with lower pricing. I used to work long hours in old days, but never got night or weekend calls for basic cases like more recent years, even at level 1 with AO facutly surgeons. I could not take it anymore and bailed :-}

You might bash on Rob Toni and the so called “washed up reps” but If you think they don’t pull any weight, you are ridiculous. He is not an idiot and neither is Globus. Not their first rodeo moron. They understand the current market and the current strategy of JnJ VERY well.

Globus can take their washes up Synthes reps that have never made a sales call. They just play the guard to keep others out. As far as distal radius plating , please. You either have doctors that don’t care as long as it’s on the shelf. Or hand specialist that live tri med and medartis. And symplicity, have you used medartis ? Those cases aren’t event covered by reps- Staff and drs know the set.
And why are ortho reps so brainwashed into thinking ortho is the only place to make money. There are so many device jobs that pay 300k and more. And you’ll never work a night or weekend

Globus can take their washes up Synthes reps that have never made a sales call. They just play the guard to keep others out. As far as distal radius plating , please. You either have doctors that don’t care as long as it’s on the shelf. Or hand specialist that live tri med and medartis. And symplicity, have you used medartis ? Those cases aren’t event covered by reps- Staff and drs know the set.
And why are ortho reps so brainwashed into thinking ortho is the only place to make money. There are so many device jobs that pay 300k and more. And you’ll never work a night or weekend

Name a few of those jobs. I would gladly leave.

Name a few of those jobs. I would gladly leave.

Capital equipment. Sell de Vinci robot. Reps are making amazing money.
Stryker medical, drills and neptune. If you’re not making over 250k selling those drills GTFO.
Pace makers (some weekends)
Medtronic , St Jude and Boston Scientific
Neuromodulation , another if you’re not making over 250k GTFO. Simlair companies. St Jude , Boston Scientific, Medtronic, VNS.
Hell, breast implants and sizer make money. The question is, are you a sales rep? Or are you so use to just covering cases for your established ortho business.
Take a hard look at the medical device industry. Where can you make a lot , while still having a life ? What is coming out that’s new and affective- not innovative. That word gets thrown around way too much. If you can “sell” then go with a start up and get all the benefits of high commissions and stock options.

I don’t think Intuitive is going to hire a trauma rep to sell a 2 million dollar piece of capital. I had a buddy at intuitive. FYI Intuitive is no longer the highest paying capital job. You have to sell over 15-20 robots annually to make $500k-$800k. The best capital jobs now are the guys who sell the Mazor or Globus robot. I’ve heard there are globus robot guys making over a milllion.

DG is a nice guy but will ultimately fail. He's a product of nepotism and really never built anything on his own. His style can best be described as "get along to get by". That might have worked at Synthes during its high growth years when everybody looked good. These are different times and Globus is not Synthes. Wyss was impatient but had a long term outlook. Paul is impatient and has a short term outlook. J&J has ruined Synthes, no doubt. But that does not mean Globus will be the benefactor as marketshare shifts. DG will be sacked when they are nowhere near where they expect to be in 2-3 years. He's still better off than sticking around to witness the wrecking ball finish off the once dominant Synthes empire.

Yikes. Someone take this man's magic 8 ball.

I got to see some of the products and I didn’t see anything that was a game changer. Mostly same ol stainless steel Synthes knock offs.

The only ones at Globus that are going to make money are the leaders. Sales reps are going to get cycled through and widdled down piece by piece as their guarantees run out. Nothing but a relationship grab by the regionals at Globus. Wait and see.