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Is Duane still here?

HQ- We want to continue to work remotely. we are productive, look at us smiling and tiktoking on teams. We are so likable. it’s dangerous to work in an office during a pandemic.

HQ to sales: Get your asses in the field. Make more calls a day than you did pre pandemic. Do not talk to us about covid restrictions. Take your abl in accounts with you. Here is your new territory - we expect you to have full access to every customer. Tell us how amazing our culture is. Seriously, don’t talk to us about Covid.

This is pure comedy level and hilarious but sadly seems true with all the push for live meetings happening in divisions across the country. Next up, national meeting….bring your kids, wives, husbands, partners and we will party like is 2019…tsk, tsk.

Why isn't Duane on the D & I call?
Like that babbling saliva spitting idiot has anything to contribute. Have you had a field ride with him? Has he met with your local team? Bet you couldnt throw that mask on fast enough. Word of advise. Dont sit near him. Dont eat your food with his spit on it. Yes, he thinks the pandemic is over. Heck, like he said, hes bored at home and needed to get out. Friggin saliva slinging zero EQ idiot.

Like that babbling saliva spitting idiot has anything to contribute. Have you had a field ride with him? Has he met with your local team? Bet you couldnt throw that mask on fast enough. Word of advise. Dont sit near him. Dont eat your food with his spit on it. Yes, he thinks the pandemic is over. Heck, like he said, hes bored at home and needed to get out. Friggin saliva slinging zero EQ idiot.

Funniest shit ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like that babbling saliva spitting idiot has anything to contribute. Have you had a field ride with him? Has he met with your local team? Bet you couldnt throw that mask on fast enough. Word of advise. Dont sit near him. Dont eat your food with his spit on it. Yes, he thinks the pandemic is over. Heck, like he said, hes bored at home and needed to get out. Friggin saliva slinging zero EQ idiot.
Its allabout their egos. How much did it disrupt busines that day and the days leading up to it. How,did it help the companys bottomlin and t3 goal atainment. Another example of zero EQ during a global pandemic. Lets put the reps lives in further danger.

An open letter to Dwayne:
Are you really riding with reps? Let's ignore the selfish ignorance of spending a day in someone else's car during a pandemic. Let's ignore the fact that offices, under normal.circumstances, hate seeing senior management walk in with the reps.
Let's talk about that reps week. Here is an honest synopsis of what it looks like. They spent three days coordinating with their partners, calling in favors in offices and getting their car ready. You know what they weren't doing? Working.
After the laughable dog and pony show, they spent two more days apologizing to the offices they dragged you to because they're embarrassed about how they had to act & the disruption you caused.
Look, just stay out of our business, as you're about as welcome as a cold-sore.
Seriously, sit in your basement and take credit for how well the product is doing. If you promise to leave us alone, you can have all of it.

An open letter to Dwayne:
Are you really riding with reps? Let's ignore the selfish ignorance of spending a day in someone else's car during a pandemic. Let's ignore the fact that offices, under normal.circumstances, hate seeing senior management walk in with the reps.
Let's talk about that reps week. Here is an honest synopsis of what it looks like. They spent three days coordinating with their partners, calling in favors in offices and getting their car ready. You know what they weren't doing? Working.
After the laughable dog and pony show, they spent two more days apologizing to the offices they dragged you to because they're embarrassed about how they had to act & the disruption you caused.
Look, just stay out of our business, as you're about as welcome as a cold-sore.
Seriously, sit in your basement and take credit for how well the product is doing. If you promise to leave us alone, you can have all of it.

That can be said for all rides with managers

An open letter to Dwayne:
Are you really riding with reps? Let's ignore the selfish ignorance of spending a day in someone else's car during a pandemic. Let's ignore the fact that offices, under normal.circumstances, hate seeing senior management walk in with the reps.
Let's talk about that reps week. Here is an honest synopsis of what it looks like. They spent three days coordinating with their partners, calling in favors in offices and getting their car ready. You know what they weren't doing? Working.
After the laughable dog and pony show, they spent two more days apologizing to the offices they dragged you to because they're embarrassed about how they had to act & the disruption you caused.
Look, just stay out of our business, as you're about as welcome as a cold-sore.
Seriously, sit in your basement and take credit for how well the product is doing. If you promise to leave us alone, you can have all of it.

& don’t forget the precall planning document that takes legitimately 4-5 hours to complete and needs to be turned in advance. then what happens for the reps? Mess clean up. These “customer focused” fools expect drs to be impressed with their Novartis corporate titles. Drs don’t have time to stroke corporate egos in between seeing patients.

HQ- We want to continue to work remotely. we are productive, look at us smiling and tiktoking on teams. We are so likable. it’s dangerous to work in an office during a pandemic.

HQ to sales: Get your asses in the field. Make more calls a day than you did pre pandemic. Do not talk to us about covid restrictions. Take your abl in accounts with you. Here is your new territory - we expect you to have full access to every customer. Tell us how amazing our culture is. Seriously, don’t talk to us about Covid.

The TikTokking had to be the most insensitive…..

in areas where bodies continue to be piled in refrigerated trucks, they FORCED us into danger. Ask any rep with serious underlying asthma, diabetes, heart disease, etc whether the company allowed their STD with pay and with a medical note. Zero! Novartis quick HR policy change effective 10/1/20 ensured it. No consideration that different parts of the country was affected differently. No consideration that schools were closed. No consideration of the high rates of deaths and hospitalization. No consideration of what customers were dealing with. Novartis can move fast when it suits them. Heartless! Soul-less! They showed in ACTION how they could care less about our well being. Novartis HR is not about helping you.

They don’t get it and they don’t listen . If you choose constructively explain why the “old”
Model doesn’t work no one cares you are just like to complain. They don’t want to hear suggestions or solutions … just “yes sir” or I guess “sir” is not inclusive anymore sorry. We are headed in the wrong direction. Time and money is being spent in the wrong places focusing on things that don’t matter . Over it !

in areas where bodies continue to be piled in refrigerated trucks, they FORCED us into danger. Ask any rep with serious underlying asthma, diabetes, heart disease, etc whether the company allowed their STD with pay and with a medical note. Zero! Novartis quick HR policy change effective 10/1/20 ensured it. No consideration that different parts of the country was affected differently. No consideration that schools were closed. No consideration of the high rates of deaths and hospitalization. No consideration of what customers were dealing with. Novartis can move fast when it suits them. Heartless! Soul-less! They showed in ACTION how they could care less about our well being. Novartis HR is not about helping you.

profits over patients
profits over employees

There is a way to get even with Dwayne, and with everyone else in senior management who didn't give a rip about the reps well being during the pandemic.
They are desperately behind on incliseran. No matter how they try to spin it, the year delay has been financially devastating (you will have to take my word for it, it took an incredible toll).
Do what I plan to do. Take the rest of the year off. Go through the motions when it comes to training. Whether they admit it or not, they will need you when the switch gets flipped and it is time to launch.
When that time arrives, it is your time to leave.
Be ready. Start networking and getting your name out there now. A mass migration during launch will completely kneecap them. Sure, they will find replacements. But that takes time. And money. And they do not know your offices like you do.
Look, I will never forgive Dwayne and his ilk for the horrific way they handled COVID. You do not need them. The market is good and the industry is hiring. Take your pound of flesh. You have earned it.

There is a way to get even with Dwayne, and with everyone else in senior management who didn't give a rip about the reps well being during the pandemic.
They are desperately behind on incliseran. No matter how they try to spin it, the year delay has been financially devastating (you will have to take my word for it, it took an incredible toll).
Do what I plan to do. Take the rest of the year off. Go through the motions when it comes to training. Whether they admit it or not, they will need you when the switch gets flipped and it is time to launch.
When that time arrives, it is your time to leave.
Be ready. Start networking and getting your name out there now. A mass migration during launch will completely kneecap them. Sure, they will find replacements. But that takes time. And money. And they do not know your offices like you do.
Look, I will never forgive Dwayne and his ilk for the horrific way they handled COVID. You do not need them. The market is good and the industry is hiring. Take your pound of flesh. You have earned it.

Man F*ck You and Duane!

profits over patients
profits over employees
Dear PEC especially Victor Marie France and Vas. Words are cheap and easy. Stop uttering the words COVID, pandemic, care ...... your clear actions and how you treated the sales force, patients and HCPs spoke volumes. Each time we listen to your lies and fake concerns its PTSD. Bringing back the nighmares. Without the vaccinations being available, you put us, our families, patients in our customer offices and HCPs in undeniable life threatening danger. Sales IS NOT essential during a pandemic. In fact, sales people would be the super spreaders. Its sad how you in your safe ivory towers dont get it. So self centered. Pathetic and unconscionable! Trust is very difficult to earn and very easily lost. Profit. Whats the cost and price of lost trust. More than $678M recent fine. Way to go PEC.

Dear PEC especially Victor Marie France and Vas. Words are cheap and easy. Stop uttering the words COVID, pandemic, care ...... your clear actions and how you treated the sales force, patients and HCPs spoke volumes. Each time we listen to your lies and fake concerns its PTSD. Bringing back the nighmares. Without the vaccinations being available, you put us, our families, patients in our customer offices and HCPs in undeniable life threatening danger. Sales IS NOT essential during a pandemic. In fact, sales people would be the super spreaders. Its sad how you in your safe ivory towers dont get it. So self centered. Pathetic and unconscionable! Trust is very difficult to earn and very easily lost. Profit. Whats the cost and price of lost trust. More than $678M recent fine. Way to go PEC.

What a stupid F’ing comment. So you are basically admitting that your job IS NOT essential. You’re admitting to the fact that Novartis was able to maintain positive revenue results by NOT having the sales force in the field is a good thing….simply by not paying for the Non-Essential Sales Force’s travel, customer lunches, useless meetings, etc. You’re admitting that the company could have even shown greater results if they did NOT keep paying the Non-Essential Sales Force’s salaries over the past year.

Exactly the same kind of spoiled and ungrateful ass people that will continue to be employed here while Novartis just let go an entire division. F’ing idiot! Go fill up your FREE company car up with your FREE company gas and go to work.

#32 and 35 must be the same writer. Cant reason with stupid. Dude stand down and focus. Get a hold of yourself. Where have you been the last year and a half. Educate yourself on the meaning of the word essential when referred to the pandemic. Try googling to start. Youre derailing this thread. Focus dude. Focus. #34 spot on.

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