Is ConMed a nice company to work for?

Advanced surgical is a good place. Lots of products from capital to commodities. ConMed values this division the most if you listen to an earnings call. Always adding more product lines in this division also.
Unless you're waiting on one of the marketing teams' product launches - which never fkcing happen. That team is the worst by miles, at least the ortho team don't delay launches by years
Sad that we as a company have continued to fail at Largo due to the site manger and everyone under his guidance. PMO/CMO has recorded the highest company losses on record due to TC/HR and anyone else involved with hiring over the phone. Not only have you cost the company huge losses, you continually put long term employees in danger day to day dealing with inexperienced new hires. This is borderline in so many ways.
Depends on the department. If you have a cubicle job, most likely others will play small pranks or spread some rumors. If you don't have a college degree, then most likely you'll be stuck with the clowns. Try to join facilities. They have access to everything, even removing a tile from the ceiling in the bathrooms. They act like they police everyone, who polices them?
Shit. I made 450K last year. I fuckin love this company. You just have to get off your ass and hustle.
This is why we fail as a company. You do understand that there are employees that work day after day under forced mandated overtime just to help you make your quota.....
do you give a fuck?? Guessing it is a big fucking no.
so much fun vaping wherever WHENEVER hahhhh everyone loves me!
please don't drug test us

to have a good time at conmed:

very attractive/happy fun personality
be friendly with upper management
do overtime and never question it
bring food and give to others with your money
answer all questions with a funny answer or a real serious factual answer
and you will have a blast.

everyone else who actually works and tries to keep to themself will be sinlged out and eventualy leave
punch the person harassing them...IN THE FACE :eek: