Is anyone making any $ in pain division?

nothing to find out ben

Was just notified that my name is on this website. First off, if I have something specific to say, especially to accuse someone for a statement or action, I will do it, in person, and I wont waste time with anonymity. Moreover, we all know what this website represents. Its a sounding board for current and past employees' crap that USUALLY sounds like a highschool threw up all over the place more than any actual relevant information about anything. Especially in this day and age of constant layoffs in all pharma, big or small,... someone is always whinning about something. There is usually no relevance whatsoever to anything said here. That pretty much all I have to say about any of this. Anyone that knows me knows how I operate and if anyone has anything to say to me personally, feel free to give me a call. My number is in the wraser directory if you need to find me ;) When the anonymous posting continue following my response, dont expect me to respond to them. Since I am here though, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and "sell strong" :)

Was just notified that my name is on this website. First off, if I have something specific to say, especially to accuse someone for a statement or action, I will do it, in person, and I wont waste time with anonymity. Moreover, we all know what this website represents. Its a sounding board for current and past employees' crap that USUALLY sounds like a highschool threw up all over the place more than any actual relevant information about anything. Especially in this day and age of constant layoffs in all pharma, big or small,... someone is always whinning about something. There is usually no relevance whatsoever to anything said here. That pretty much all I have to say about any of this. Anyone that knows me knows how I operate and if anyone has anything to say to me personally, feel free to give me a call. My number is in the wraser directory if you need to find me ;) When the anonymous posting continue following my response, dont expect me to respond to them. Since I am here though, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and "sell strong" :)

true enough

Was just notified that my name is on this website. First off, if I have something specific to say, especially to accuse someone for a statement or action, I will do it, in person, and I wont waste time with anonymity. Moreover, we all know what this website represents. Its a sounding board for current and past employees' crap that USUALLY sounds like a highschool threw up all over the place more than any actual relevant information about anything. Especially in this day and age of constant layoffs in all pharma, big or small,... someone is always whinning about something. There is usually no relevance whatsoever to anything said here. That pretty much all I have to say about any of this. Anyone that knows me knows how I operate and if anyone has anything to say to me personally, feel free to give me a call. My number is in the wraser directory if you need to find me ;) When the anonymous posting continue following my response, dont expect me to respond to them. Since I am here though, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and "sell strong" :)

agreed you are probably the only ben that visits here, great work inspector clouseu


Yes, former pain rep here, so how many reps are left with Wraser.......30? The money was good with Prodrin/Trezix but now I hear Prodrin has been kicked off by the FDA (according to management) which I think is total BS. The website is still up and there is no news online that it's been kicked off. WraSer is now just going to sit back and collect now that Midrin is gone. No need for reps to promote it, too much overhead. It seems as if WraSer has gone full circle, when the original reps were promoting all the products. The next move is......


Yes, former pain rep here, so how many reps are left with Wraser.......30? The money was good with Prodrin/Trezix but now I hear Prodrin has been kicked off by the FDA (according to management) which I think is total BS. The website is still up and there is no news online that it's been kicked off. WraSer is now just going to sit back and collect now that Midrin is gone. No need for reps to promote it, too much overhead. It seems as if WraSer has gone full circle, when the original reps were promoting all the products. The next move is......

The money was never good with any pain... there was potential until I did the research and found that just a couple of my top pharmacies were missing 10+ bottles of Xolox. Multiple that fraction by the 75+ pharmacies I called on and you can see how WraSer made money. I was let go shortly after asking my "superiors" why these bottles were missing from my reports. The money was shit from day one. I took the opp because I saw potential in my market and believe small phamra would be different. I still believe that if given two years and honest data I would have been making 120+ based on the initial payout grids (which of course changed 7 times in one year).

Prodrin was never FDA approved. The - ingredients - in it were however which is why WraSer could "co promote" it. Why do you think Midrin was pulled from the market - it WAS FDA approved before it was finally removed last year. When WraSer received a warning letter in ’09 (available for your review on FDA's website) they started scrambling to find ways around it and make as much cash as possible before it was too late. Bubba gump's company Gentex was brough into the mix to serve this specific purpose - giving WraSer more time to hide from the FDA and make a little more cash while "co promoting" the questionable products with another company and distributing through a different license.

The next move should be that reps come together and sue their ass off for stealing from us. More likely Wraser will constrict the sales force again, shift focus, slash reps, and continue to survive. After all they have been following the same business model for 10+ years, questionable ethics and all, and nobody has stopped them yet.

From what i've heard, WraSer was sued in the past when reps came together and sued for a similar situation. A former employee was let go after she was told to alter the reps numbers. After she left, she called the individual reps and told them what she was ordered to do by management. I'm not sure of what the outcome was after that. I would be down for joining such a cause again. WraSer is by far the shadiest company I have ever worked for and I'm sure they know it. Karma needs to pay them a visit.

From what i've heard, WraSer was sued in the past when reps came together and sued for a similar situation. A former employee was let go after she was told to alter the reps numbers. After she left, she called the individual reps and told them what she was ordered to do by management. I'm not sure of what the outcome was after that. I would be down for joining such a cause again. WraSer is by far the shadiest company I have ever worked for and I'm sure they know it. Karma needs to pay them a visit.

Funny, reading the above posts...very quickly after I questioned mangement about the BS numbers I was told to resign or I would be fired. What a fucked up way to run a company.

From what i've heard, WraSer was sued in the past when reps came together and sued for a similar situation. A former employee was let go after she was told to alter the reps numbers. After she left, she called the individual reps and told them what she was ordered to do by management. I'm not sure of what the outcome was after that. I would be down for joining such a cause again. WraSer is by far the shadiest company I have ever worked for and I'm sure they know it. Karma needs to pay them a visit.

Im not interested in rumors or hearsay however, at the suggestion of my own representative, I will provide an email - - for past or current reps or HR to use as a contact for further discussion on the topic. If you have evidence to support your feeling that your numbers have been changed, or feel strongly that they have, or if you have been instructed in the past to change numbers, this email will allow us to communicate and see if its is possible to move forward with enough reps and evidence for an actual class action.

Without a group and/or without real evidence, this is a waste of time. I have LOTS of real, documented, paper evidence in my own territory and that can be duplicated by multiple reps making a very strong case (and in todays recessionary economy, it wouldnt be hard to find a sympathetic jury). I doubt any reps from the past have tried to be aggressive about this issue but I know that one on one is a waste of time. You wont even get your legal fees back. There are lots of rumors and stories about Heath and Cole involved in lawsuits however after 10 years, they have proven to be very smart, slippery scumbags.
A class action can be very powerful and lucrative for the lawyers - therefore can provide reps with back pay they deserve and/or punitive damages for WraSer's illegal behavior.