I see a lot of negative posts, and I, of course, do not know if they are from the same 2 or 3 people posting. Is there anyone happy here? It seems like a great Company with decent products and benefits--ok vacation time, etc. Why is there so much negativity? Is it due to the most recent layoffs or other matters? I'm considering accepting a position, and I hope someone that is happy here and more realistic can shed some light. Thanks so much.

I'm happy, I make big money and I am tapping my 40ish female boss 3X week

The conference call yesterday was a joke. Especially nauseating were all the sycophants thanking Annette for the conference call. If you can't ask an important question, go put another load in the laundry.

I love that all the idiots are being exposed and will be future endeavors soon. Tired of all the dead weight over the past few years! Bye OIS people!

Yes so open your eyes and see the way our horizons meet and all of the lights will lead into the night with me and I know these scars will bleed but both of our hearts believe all of these stars will guide us home and, oh, I know and oh, I know, oh I can see the stars from America.