Is anyone gonna work in January?

Well, if you did nothing, you'd have a shot at sales remaining the same as they were for a long time. If the docs didn't have any samples there's a good chance you'd get some NRxs from the patients that bum samples every time they visit, so you might even see an improvement if you stopped working entirely.

You are spot on. My partner and I have the official company business plan and then we have a real working plan for our eyes only. I know many of you work your areas the same. We identify which offices have been detailed to death and we leave them alone for a while or greatly reduce calls. The results are remarkable. There are some other key items which MUST be done to keep the business and leverage it to produce new business but....that knowledge leaves when I leave. It sure as hell ain't ISS.

You are spot on. My partner and I have the official company business plan and then we have a real working plan for our eyes only. I know many of you work your areas the same. We identify which offices have been detailed to death and we leave them alone for a while or greatly reduce calls. The results are remarkable. There are some other key items which MUST be done to keep the business and leverage it to produce new business but....that knowledge leaves when I leave. It sure as hell ain't ISS.

Is part of your "real working plan" posting on CP in the middle of the day? Fucking moron.


It's called a smartphone dumb ass...and you too post at noon. Have you noticed that people leave the room whenever you come around?'s because nobody likes your witless humor.

Smartphone? Yeah right dipshit! I rarely work and fake 80% of my calls that is why I am on here in the middle of the day. Unlike pompous fucks like you at least I am honest. Go back to your groovy smart phone dicklicker!!


Smartphone? Yeah right dipshit! I rarely work and fake 80% of my calls that is why I am on here in the middle of the day. Unlike pompous fucks like you at least I am honest. Go back to your groovy smart phone dicklicker!!


You see? You were the last one to post and it has been nearly two days. NOBODY likes you and we all left the room you were in. I'm sure you're used to laughing and crying all alone. You try to keep it under control, but the medicine just doesn't keep the asshole in you from you quit taking it and basically end up destroying the few remaining relationships that really matter to you. So I'll leave you to this room...all alone....again....because nobody likes you.

Please go over the edge with your insults so we can gauge the exact extent to your behavior disorder. On a YMRS, I'm guessing your score is around 27.

So here's you interview question.

Tell me what you did to find a job once you learned you were laid off?
How did you feel?
What did you do?

I hate these fckers probably more than you. I had nearly 30 years with them. You need to make sure that you don't sink to the level of cheating because of their behavior. Its not good for you in the short term or the long term.

Remember that you are not owed a job anywhere so if you want to be hired again, get in the right frame of mind asap. Put on the big boy pants and put this shit behind you as soon as you can. Anyone who gets angry (not disapointed - angry) over this industry collapsing is going to be out of work for a while, or often.

A recruiter told me that he will not present anyone that is not currently employed. That is helping me decide what I need to be doing in January.....

I just went on 2 interviews for biotech and device, The hiring managers laughed at me when I told them I sold in pods. Did not get another interview. I am looking at jobs in customer service now.