Is anyone gonna work in January?


Should we run our territory like AZ runs the company???

Responses should be interesting.

If I ran my territory like these idiots run the company, I would only be at 10% for fsip. My #1 goal is to leave this dying industry ASAP! AZ is in deep shit and everyone knows it. You better take every waking moment to put your plan in motion to leave.

Not a fool. Being paid to do a job and will do it as well as I can. I was raised differently, I suppose.

Dude I understand the sentiment...I really do. But what the rest of is saying is this company is asking 1,150 of us to bust it out for January just to be cut at the end of it with short term severance and no prospects. That's a big ask...

And if you don't get axed come Feb 1? Then, you've started the year with eroding relationships (which will impact sales) and poor metrics (which will impact your "performance rankings" for 2012). Both will be tough to catch up & both will put you at risk for the next layoff. Might want to think a little before you burn your bridges.

And if you don't get axed come Feb 1? Then, you've started the year with eroding relationships (which will impact sales) and poor metrics (which will impact your "performance rankings" for 2012). Both will be tough to catch up & both will put you at risk for the next layoff. Might want to think a little before you burn your bridges.

Unless your CNS, they have no place to go.

And if you don't get axed come Feb 1? Then, you've started the year with eroding relationships (which will impact sales) and poor metrics (which will impact your "performance rankings" for 2012). Both will be tough to catch up & both will put you at risk for the next layoff. Might want to think a little before you burn your bridges.

Lets say you make a few token calls in January to key Docs. You really think missing the others for one month really makes a difference? If you are retained you see the other top Docs the first two weeks of February. I don't see any "erosion" of relationships in such a short amount of time.

Metrics? Are you serious? You see your token Docs in January and fake the rest while you are looking for a new job! You must still be drinking the Kool-Aid of management!

I have pride, and I have work ethic, and I have given full days to this company for a long time. I don't like faking calls, but the reality is most everyone that is white, over 40, male, and a high salary are going to be laid off! This is just the brutal truth! And with the recent announcement of the $380 million dollar write down of the antidepressant and the ovarian cancer drug, I predict the layoff will be MORE than 1150 people.

You just have to face the facts: AZ does not care about you or your family. So, take care of yourself!

Not a fool. Being paid to do a job and will do it as well as I can. I was raised differently, I suppose.

You're the kind of Kool-Aid sucking ass who allowed this insidious culture to exist and thrive. No wonder management was able to run roughshod over the sales reps when there are lemmings like you around.

Quick to pass judgement on someone you have never met. I understand you are angry and afraid of what the future holds for you. I just prefer to live my life and work my job with a different attitude. This company doesn't owe me anything, I have to earn what I get. Just a difference in attitude is all. I will be fine and I wish the same for you.

If I ran my territory like these idiots run the company, I would only be at 10% for fsip. My #1 goal is to leave this dying industry ASAP! AZ is in deep shit and everyone knows it. You better take every waking moment to put your plan in motion to leave.

Well, if you did nothing, you'd have a shot at sales remaining the same as they were for a long time. If the docs didn't have any samples there's a good chance you'd get some NRxs from the patients that bum samples every time they visit, so you might even see an improvement if you stopped working entirely.

Dude I understand the sentiment...I really do. But what the rest of is saying is this company is asking 1,150 of us to bust it out for January just to be cut at the end of it with short term severance and no prospects. That's a big ask...

So here's you interview question.

Tell me what you did to find a job once you learned you were laid off?
How did you feel?
What did you do?

I hate these fckers probably more than you. I had nearly 30 years with them. You need to make sure that you don't sink to the level of cheating because of their behavior. Its not good for you in the short term or the long term.

Remember that you are not owed a job anywhere so if you want to be hired again, get in the right frame of mind asap. Put on the big boy pants and put this shit behind you as soon as you can. Anyone who gets angry (not disapointed - angry) over this industry collapsing is going to be out of work for a while, or often.

The only person I'm working for is my job search. If the company thinks anyone until the layoffs is going to work they are clowns

the sales dip will hit AZ about May this year when they realize that cutting alot of us actually cost a lot more than the severance packages they paid

the nimwits at the top probably don't get it, as it's clear they haven't in a few years. Another case study for business courses... (how to not run a company or "failures" of corporate america". This is what happens when you have people who only pay attention on the quarter vs long term years vision. You get this fk'n mess and the little people are the ones to pay.

So here's you interview question.

Tell me what you did to find a job once you learned you were laid off?
How did you feel?
What did you do?

I hate these fckers probably more than you. I had nearly 30 years with them. You need to make sure that you don't sink to the level of cheating because of their behavior. Its not good for you in the short term or the long term.

Remember that you are not owed a job anywhere so if you want to be hired again, get in the right frame of mind asap. Put on the big boy pants and put this shit behind you as soon as you can. Anyone who gets angry (not disapointed - angry) over this industry collapsing is going to be out of work for a while, or often.

I'm the post you quoted and you are 100% right. I've got my answer to the interview question and it sounds great. In the meantime, I make 2 or 3 calls a day and spend the rest scouting for jobs for which I want to apply. Then I apply after 5:00 to make sure the timestamp on the application doesn't show I sat at home.

No one owes us a are totally correct. But the company is using us right now for a "good January". That does not sit well with me. Tell me I have a position. Tell me I'm likely gone after 1/31. Tell me that my metrics are to be satisfactory for the month or no severance. Tell me any negative information I speak in the offices nullifies my package. Do any of these things, but don't ride my ass for January, keep me in the dark and feed me bullshit, just to let me go. If that is how they want to do a professional who has worked hard, been exceeds last three years and promoted, then so be it. I, in turn, will put my and my family's long term well being ahead of some bullshit January dog and pony fucking show. (BTW...I'm CNS aka Dead Men Walking)

Not a fool. Being paid to do a job and will do it as well as I can. I was raised differently, I suppose.

You stupid, dumbass, delusional POS mofo. I truly hope you are kidding because if you are not I feel sorry if you have kids. How the fuck can you live with yourself? If you have no kids please do not have any. I don't want mine to live in a world full of dipshits like you!