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Is Abbvie IT Department Hiring ?

Seems a VP or senior manager got offended by the comments on senior management redundancy at AbbVie. That's understandable, many of these bafoons make a crap load of money without producing that much value. Beyond EPS, the market is concerned about Humira. We will see now how good those geniuses VPs are in defending the brand against biosimilar incursion. Amgen knows the game, lets see what legal magic Laura can deliver keeping them at distance. Meanwhile, the stock is at $55 and highly volatile, the high schooler-cancer striken 62 year old CEO enjoys his remaining life with his 34 year old soft porn/model wife Chantel Gia P. after goofing the Shire deal, totally fucking up HVC and paying too much for Pharmacyclics. While you work your asses off, Ricky (and the boys) makes big bucks, travels the world with Chantel and owns multi million dollar property with his young trophy chick on Chicago's Trump Tower.

That's AbbVie!

Yup, there is so much fat to trim-so many "senior leaders" with nothing to do and nobody reporting up to them. But every time they want to cut costs, they chop off the few worker bees left and outsource. The top is so bloated and the bottom is so thin with employees and the whole darn thing is outsourced, so nobody knows what is happening. They should outsource the directors and VPs-save costs big time.

I got news for you......Parts of the IT department are already integrating e-detailing. You reps will be dinosaurs soon Just like AOL and VHS. We will establish Abbvie brand awareness, increase familiarity, and facilitate sales, using remote marketing that does NOT require a face-to-face meeting.Reps are a FKn waste of $$$ and physicians consider you a nuisance !

Face the facts NO ACCESS = NO JOB !!!!!

Hey Genius, email marketing has been around for more than a decade. Abbvie IT just discovered the concept?

Email marketing worths nothing! Look at the MROI (marketing ROI) of such investment. Crap! Everybody can delete the email or add it on filters. Email and text messages as reminders for medication compliance adds value. HUMIRA.com does that nicely. IT needs major trimming - kick IT out the door along with fat from R&D. Ask these cost centers to do more with less so productivity increases. I heard that Bain is hired to restructure the company. This can mean a lot of things including "perfuming the pig" for sale. Good luck to all good people in marketing, sales and strategy/business development. These people are true assets. TRIM the FAT (cost centers)!!!!!

Yes IT is hiring, Unisys, HP, etc. Most internal IT jobs will be gone the way of the dodo bird in 12 months. Punjabis will rule.

You are correct. IT outsourcing to India is moving ahead at ramp speed. Besides the inherent tax advantages, the Indian IT gurus work at average salaries of $8 per hour plus very sparse benefits package (typically 80 hrs PTO plus state paid pension, insurance etc). These are graduates of such world class universities as IIT - the Indian equivalent of MIT. Yes they are brilliant and hard workers, well fluent in English language, and typically work on a problem until solved ie do not watch the clock. They are also very anti union and so there are no threats of unionizing there.

So as others have said the future of mundane or average competency IT workers based in US is very bleak. You simply are an overpaid commodity that easily be replaced. Keep the resume current or better yet get into pharma sales, that's where the big money is made !

Yup, there is so much fat to trim-so many "senior leaders" with nothing to do and nobody reporting up to them. But every time they want to cut costs, they chop off the few worker bees left and outsource. The top is so bloated and the bottom is so thin with employees and the whole darn thing is outsourced, so nobody knows what is happening. They should outsource the directors and VPs-save costs big time.

Look - I have an MBA from Columbia so I am a smart businessman and in a leadership slot. Your last comment really rankled me ! The last thing we want to do is outsource the thinkers and doers who can save this company. I personally have 'retired' 7 downlines becuz they were uneducated and underperforming - ie not meeting their goals etc. I will continue to cut and dump load if that is what it takes to remake the company. And outsourcing IT was one of the plans that I pushed thru to fruition. It has worked out great.
Please never again that last comment !!