Is a sexual relationship with a vendor employee a code of conduct violation?

If a doc is involved, it depends on how pretty the rep/employee is and the going rate for such services to determine if it is reportable under the Sunshine Act. I some cases, I doubt the $10 reporting threshold has been reached.

That is hilarious.

What if it is mid-level corporate manager with spending authority who is trading S&N business and inside influence for sexual favors from a vendor company employee?

That is hilarious.

What if it is mid-level corporate manager with spending authority who is trading S&N business and inside influence for sexual favors from a vendor company employee?

Sleeping with doctors, other reps and sending naughty pictures doesn't violate the code of ethics. It just alters your position. You are now a member of the worlds oldest "profession".

Did you hear the one about the smith and nephew director who was banging a gal in procurement to get the vendor relationships he wanted? Talk about having time on your hands.

Did you hear the one about the smith and nephew director who was banging a gal in procurement to get the vendor relationships he wanted? Talk about having time on your hands.

Newbie Socal S&Ner was know for her "aggressive" tactics when with FRX. Reps there rave about her "performance" at conferences and POAs. I can't wait to meet her.

Oh get over it. This stuff happens all the time. I know a rep discreetly having her way with just about everyone who can get her what she wants. It's easy for her because she works part time as a runway model. Nobody cares except those not getting it.