Is a sexual relationship with a vendor employee a code of conduct violation?


Wondering, Are these violations of company policy?

A director who carries on with and accepts sexual favors from vendor employees? Uses a company computer and company phone to sext and set liaisons with vendor bunnies/girlfriends?

The S&N policy states:

Both at work and in your free time, nothing you do should conflict with your responsibilities to the Company. No activity at work or at home should hurt the Company’s reputation or good name. Misusing Company resources or influence is also prohibited. Even when nothing wrong is intended, the appearance of a conflict can have negative effects. It is important to consider how your actions might appear, and to avoid the perception of a conflict of interest.


Additionally, disclose (in writing to your manager) any outside activities, financial interests or relationships that may present a conflict of interest or the appearance of one. Avoid actions or relationships that may cause potential conflicts or create the appearance of a conflict with your job or the Company’s interests. Be wary of gifts
or other benefits from those seeking business with Smith & Nephew, and do not accept any item or benefit of significant value where the purpose, effect or appearance is to influence your judgement. If in doubt, consult your manager.

Do not use Company resources, intellectual property, time or facilities for personal gain – this includes office equipment, email and computer applications. Do not take for yourself personally any opportunities that the Company could have an interest in that are discovered through the use of your Company position, information or property.

With a policy like that you got to be a robot. Think about work from 8-5 only. Leave your laptop at work at the end of the day. Never work late nights or weekends. Turn down the smart phone, turn down any company cell phone.

Who is the judge that determines what misuse of company resources is? What is their track record on this?

Fuck this company. Crooked ass company with bullshit policies. Can't wait ti see this company die.

This is all so absurd. Does this mean I can't stay at the Cosmopolitan in Vegas with the surgeon I sell to? No one can know what we do once that door is closed. We go out to dinners and clubs but that is always a big group with residents and potential customers and I don't usually pay-he does mostly. Don't doctors have any code of conduct to follow? Why should I be the one to get in trouble? It is a good arrangement-I sell a lot, his wife doesn't know and we end up having a lot of fun

>>Wondering, Are these violations of company policy?
Mind your OWN business, and not the affairs of others.
Someone F-ing around is really none of your business.

You are probably the type to go running to HR to "tattle" on others infractions of company policy by you own interpretation.
How many time in your career have you gone to HR ? Most people--- NEVER.

>>Wondering, Are these violations of company policy?
Mind your OWN business, and not the affairs of others.
Someone F-ing around is really none of your business.

You are probably the type to go running to HR to "tattle" on others infractions of company policy by you own interpretation.
How many time in your career have you gone to HR ? Most people--- NEVER.

Good to hear from you Jerry.

The policy also says this, in part, but we all know if this is some corporate office schlub getting his jollies dinking an employee at a vendor company in exchange for influencing some business that direction, nothing will ever happen. Right?

In daily work activities, you should behave with courtesy and consideration when interacting with other employees and people with whom the Company has business dealings. You should not engage in:


• Physical or verbal conduct of a sexual, racist or defamatory nature


Breaches of this policy by any employee may be considered gross misconduct and result in disciplinary action including termination.

Sounds like a couple of "chicks without class" kickin it (bragging) back and forth to me. Ever hear a male rep say " yeah, I'm baggin my female doc, probably gonna marry her and quit my job"? "Sure she is uglier than shit but she makes bank and I'll cheat on her anyway!!!


Sounds like somebody knows somebody in the corporate office who is banging a vendor in exchange for Smith and Nephew business. Triumph. Or has they call it at corporate: Smith and Fuckyou.

Remember the old days when reps discussed how much a bonus or why kind of sales awards/trips were being offered for excellence in sales performance?
Now all I read and hear is how much territory is going to be taken away. How much is the new low commission?

We need some new hip thinkin CEO's Ect. Not this bunch of "Peter Principle" examples

Remember the old days when reps discussed how much a bonus or why kind of sales awards/trips were being offered for excellence in sales performance?
Now all I read and hear is how much territory is going to be taken away. How much is the new low commission?

We need some new hip thinkin CEO's Ect. Not this bunch of "Peter Principle" examples

ever think their strategy is that you're the Peter principle example

If a doc is involved, it depends on how pretty the rep/employee is and the going rate for such services to determine if it is reportable under the Sunshine Act. I some cases, I doubt the $10 reporting threshold has been reached.