Wondering, Are these violations of company policy?
A director who carries on with and accepts sexual favors from vendor employees? Uses a company computer and company phone to sext and set liaisons with vendor bunnies/girlfriends?
The S&N policy states:
Both at work and in your free time, nothing you do should conflict with your responsibilities to the Company. No activity at work or at home should hurt the Company’s reputation or good name. Misusing Company resources or influence is also prohibited. Even when nothing wrong is intended, the appearance of a conflict can have negative effects. It is important to consider how your actions might appear, and to avoid the perception of a conflict of interest.
Additionally, disclose (in writing to your manager) any outside activities, financial interests or relationships that may present a conflict of interest or the appearance of one. Avoid actions or relationships that may cause potential conflicts or create the appearance of a conflict with your job or the Company’s interests. Be wary of gifts
or other benefits from those seeking business with Smith & Nephew, and do not accept any item or benefit of significant value where the purpose, effect or appearance is to influence your judgement. If in doubt, consult your manager.
Do not use Company resources, intellectual property, time or facilities for personal gain – this includes office equipment, email and computer applications. Do not take for yourself personally any opportunities that the Company could have an interest in that are discovered through the use of your Company position, information or property.
A director who carries on with and accepts sexual favors from vendor employees? Uses a company computer and company phone to sext and set liaisons with vendor bunnies/girlfriends?
The S&N policy states:
Both at work and in your free time, nothing you do should conflict with your responsibilities to the Company. No activity at work or at home should hurt the Company’s reputation or good name. Misusing Company resources or influence is also prohibited. Even when nothing wrong is intended, the appearance of a conflict can have negative effects. It is important to consider how your actions might appear, and to avoid the perception of a conflict of interest.
Additionally, disclose (in writing to your manager) any outside activities, financial interests or relationships that may present a conflict of interest or the appearance of one. Avoid actions or relationships that may cause potential conflicts or create the appearance of a conflict with your job or the Company’s interests. Be wary of gifts
or other benefits from those seeking business with Smith & Nephew, and do not accept any item or benefit of significant value where the purpose, effect or appearance is to influence your judgement. If in doubt, consult your manager.
Do not use Company resources, intellectual property, time or facilities for personal gain – this includes office equipment, email and computer applications. Do not take for yourself personally any opportunities that the Company could have an interest in that are discovered through the use of your Company position, information or property.