iRhythm's ziopatach

IRhythm is being used on the west coast and at the expense of the LW and CardioNets of the world. The reimbursement is nowhere near what MCOT charges, but the docs are getting more than what they get for MCOT. IRhythm isn't going away. They're going to take away business from the publicly-traded names with a low-tech (but good-looking), crappy one channel device that produces a good looking report. It's just more of the same from this industry.

IRhythm is not doing well. No physician's office or hospital will use them after they find out that they are charging fee's way above that of a holter and the Patch is only a recorder like a holter. The physicians office will go in dept paying for the service. I think they are charging the same as a 30 day event monitor and they cannot bill that way or get reembursed. FYI: The upper management that was working at Lifewatch and ran it into the ground just moved over to IRhythm with same workers. Watch out very bad place and people to work for!!!! They treat the employee's very badly and no one can sale their overpriced Patch!!!

IRhythm is not doing well. No physician's office or hospital will use them after they find out that they are charging fee's way above that of a holter and the Patch is only a recorder like a holter. The physicians office will go in dept paying for the service. I think they are charging the same as a 30 day event monitor and they cannot bill that way or get reembursed. FYI: The upper management that was working at Lifewatch and ran it into the ground just moved over to IRhythm with same workers. Watch out very bad place and people to work for!!!! They treat the employee's very badly and no one can sale their overpriced Patch!!!
What is current pricing? I have heard keeps going up but hear a lot of different numbers. Very confusing for most practices.

RB is a liar and manipulator. She knows nothing about arrhythmia monitoring business. Get a fashion degree and spend 10 years in Genomic testing and somehow that qualifies you to manage a sales team in cardio. Irhythm thinks hospitals and docs will pay $300 for an event card. Why would they do that when they can get event monitoring from thousands of companies for no charge and make a few dollars as oppossed to losing on every patient. Then there is their Ziopatch. It cost $400 and reimbursement is less than 25% of that. Irhythm will tell the Rep its no big deal. The doc wont care once they see our reports. Hahaha...this company is headed nowhere fast. The patch will ultimately fall under telemetry code and Irhythm will be bought for pennies. Leadership is simply nonexistent here and throughout the industry. Don't forget about reimbursement and the reimbursement team. When you get questioned about reimbursement you are suppossed to tell the doc about the wonderful reimbursement team and how they will come in and save the day ...hahaha...

Are the monitors still "investigational" according to CMS? Will there EVER be a code for this long term holter??

Yeah the codes are 0295T-global for 0296T 0297T 0298T
T codes are level 3 codes. Currently under evaluation but reimbursement doesn't look promising. Ziopatch cost is higher than reimbursement anywhere in the country.

I'm sure they could care less and they should. Cardionet's quotas are so high that the reps don't want to sell anything that looks or smells like a holter - there is no money in that code.