IQVIA - Virtual Sales Rep

The above very nice explanation. However I think the poster was just saying some businesses went under. Online sales are one reason for the decline in malls. That's not the point. He or she was talking about the pharma rep job. Why are you so angry?
The poster is an idiot that is condescending because he believes that he is better. Is he making miraculous changes in pharmaceutical reps' lives by spouting his sanctimonious bullshit on Cafepharma? I'm not angry, this is the internet. The guy is a tool with the hubris to believe that anyone on this, or any other, site needs his "Chicken Little" career advice. Field rep jobs are not going anywhere. On a line-by-line basis, a field sales position is cheaper and more effective than DTC advertising. There is a place for both positions, and any idiot that says otherwise has no idea what he/she is talking about. I'm certain that no one is recommending we eliminate the entire field sales force -- and some of my colleagues have a Master's in Economics and PHDs. As long as there are drug launches, we will need a field team because nothing will replace those face-to-face interactions.

The poster is an idiot that is condescending because he believes that he is better. Is he making miraculous changes in pharmaceutical reps' lives by spouting his sanctimonious bullshit on Cafepharma? I'm not angry, this is the internet. The guy is a tool with the hubris to believe that anyone on this, or any other, site needs his "Chicken Little" career advice. Field rep jobs are not going anywhere. On a line-by-line basis, a field sales position is cheaper and more effective than DTC advertising. There is a place for both positions, and any idiot that says otherwise has no idea what he/she is talking about. I'm certain that no one is recommending we eliminate the entire field sales force -- and some of my colleagues have a Master's in Economics and PHDs. As long as there are drug launches, we will need a field team because nothing will replace those face-to-face interactions.

"field rep jobs are not going anywhere" --tell that to the 500 reps laid off last December you idiot. Most "face to face" interactions reported are total lies.

"field rep jobs are not going anywhere" --tell that to the 500 reps laid off last December you idiot. Most "face to face" interactions reported are total lies.
Field rep jobs are not going anywhere. There was no mention of field rep jobs being reduced. Just because the field rep position will not go away, it does not mean that there will not be reduction in field headcount (across the industry). The world needs vehicles, yet mechanics lose their jobs and plants close. The same goes for restaurant workers, bankers, nurses, etc. That's how it works. We stress test the business, yearly. Resources are moved or cut based on need. Grow up. Those reps were not the first group of reps to be laid off nor will they be the last. The same goes for people in-house and people in positions within many industries across the world. Are you one of those fools that believes that a union will save you? Go look at all of the jobs lost within unions over the years. Why are you so upset, Puddin? If you don't like the unsettling feeling of your job continually being at risk, develop skills that can get you out of that position. Otherwise, stop whining because this is the career that you chose.

The job description mentions working with field sales. I just can't see virtual sales taking off. My providers are sick of virtual calls, and most are open to see reps live anyhow.
Yes, this virtual call thing is getting old and I can't see physicians continuing it much longer. The virtual calls are getting shorter & shorter too.

Yes, this virtual call thing is getting old and I can't see physicians continuing it much longer. The virtual calls are getting shorter & shorter too.

Agree. What started out as a way for us to interact and a novelty for our docs, has quickly become a PITA for them. More and more offices are opening up to physical visits and are shutting down virtual or are becoming "no access" until reps show they have been vaccinated.
I know the company probably doesn't want to hear that because it has become clear that they want us to push the virtual hard (easy reason for the net downsizing), but it is the truth. It is amazing we actually have regional "virtual" champions to share WGLL. :rolleyes:

If it weren't for buying the entire office staff lunch, these doctors would not give us any of their time during their lunch break in person or virtual. Samples aren't enough incentive. I don't see doctors wanting to connect with people they don't know virtually.

If it weren't for buying the entire office staff lunch, these doctors would not give us any of their time during their lunch break in person or virtual. Samples aren't enough incentive. I don't see doctors wanting to connect with people they don't know virtually.
There have been virtual reps for years. You all just weren't aware. Offices don't care about the rep that calls on them. It's a rep's perspective that the offices care.

There have been virtual reps for years. You all just weren't aware. Offices don't care about the rep that calls on them. It's a rep's perspective that the offices care.
All those non-promotion interactions that are listed in Veeva? I would begin trying to truly understand what those are. That part has been going on for years. If it wasn’t successful, the company would have stopped investing. Just something to think about.