
and when/if you do finally get out in the field, all you are is another "ME TOO" rescue option in a quickly becoming crowded marketplace that has marginal efficacy per your own studies and a silly delivery... ever try to give a kid a nose spray? good luck to you.

With all the talk of this pandemic lasting well into the summer months, what is the burn rate of capital investment startup money? We are a privately held company and just curious as to how long before we start hearing the dreaded talk of furloughs? This is scary since I left a position that was very stable.

It wont and I believe that was the point the person was making in the previous post.
Drug launches will not happen in this shut down period. God bless those of us that left our current jobs to come here. Please pray for us.

I talked with a recruiter yesterday and she said that they still plan to launch in 2 weeks. These startups have to get off the ground fast or they will run out of money. All the other companies are contacting offices and hospitals remotely.

I talked with a recruiter yesterday and she said that they still plan to launch in 2 weeks. These startups have to get off the ground fast or they will run out of money. All the other companies are contacting offices and hospitals remotely.

Agreed, but there is now way you can launch in this market without face to face conversations. Epilepsy specialists don't have time to change their writing habits simply by listening to someone remotely, especially when we have zero coverage right now!

Agreed, but there is now way you can launch in this market without face to face conversations. Epilepsy specialists don't have time to change their writing habits simply by listening to someone remotely, especially when we have zero coverage right now!

easy there Sparky. It’s freaking diazepam. They have used it for well over a decade.

how hard do you think it is to do nasal instead of rectal? They could do this without reps via some emails, advertising and a copay card.

I talked with a recruiter yesterday and she said that they still plan to launch in 2 weeks. These startups have to get off the ground fast or they will run out of money. All the other companies are contacting offices and hospitals remotely.

Good luck with that since most of our industry will still be shuttered in until the 1st of June.

I don’t work for Neurelis but wanted to. I was on an Epilepsy Foundation webinar for patients and one of the physician speakers was reviewing new products. They said “I expect after I’m done talking about Valtoco, that every patient is going to ask for a prescription of this”. Hope this gives you encouragement. I think it could be a really great drug!

and when/if you do finally get out in the field, all you are is another "ME TOO" rescue option in a quickly becoming crowded marketplace that has marginal efficacy per your own studies and a silly delivery... ever try to give a kid a nose spray? good luck to you.
Ever try to give a kid a rectal suppository during a seizure?!?!?

I’m currently interviewing for a vacancy and I’m seriously considering this opportunity. Anyone that works here, can you tell me how they’re handling this launch with the current circumstances and how confident they are feeling about the companies health?

Just to be very transparent, I guess I would have to ask you why you would even be considering a change right now? Unless you are out of work, only then might I consider coming here. Right now we are just sitting here doing prep work to get this product to market. In the end, no one really knows what the future holds or when we will even get out in our territory due to this work shut down. I have also talked to a few of my colleagues that are wondering what the financial stability of our company will be once we do get out to start selling.
Good luck with your research on Neurelis, but I would 2nd guess my thoughts of coming here if you're already with a decent company. These are very uncertain times for all of us.