Part of the country has interviews this week in Philly. The rest of the country are next week in Chicago. Candidates are only being given one or two days notice to travel, so just because you have not heard anything does not mean you won't get an email. No phone calls all communication through email. Also, it is highly unlikely that every position will be filled by the end of next week. Candidates still have to go through background check and actually accept the job.
If you don't get it, not to worry. Do you really want to work for a company that conducts a hiring process in this manner? And gives such little consideration to the candidates?
Wow do we actually have an HR person in charge of Café P post now! Please research KK and PS before jumping aboard. They are so confident in their hires they bring reps in at a Senior Exec level!! Hey KK you had Senior Exec reps that built this company that you ran out the door. I bet if you hire people at the Senior Exec level they will love their heated seats in their company car and will probably nod and agree with all your bullshit!! YOU ARE A WEAK LEADER WHO LACKS SELF-ESTEEM. Quit and give the Shire a chance to survive with our one product.