This is excellent advice and exactly what I did! I needed a paycheck, and I had inside information on how MDL/VT operate so I took the job and just kept interviewing. Knowing that working here was temporary and on my terms I was actually amused at how bizarre this company is.
Prior to attending training my Manager spent 1/2 an hour on the phone with me coaching me on how to act in training, no side talking ever!, and when VT is in the back of the room on the "phone" she is still watching who pulls their phone out, not taking notes, talking etc...she actually warned me that people have been fired for this behavior in training.
vt just doesn't get it. she operates her own little gestapo.....literally. i really hope all the poor souls who were lured from their previous job to go to work at that hell-hole have all found another job. a place where you can work and where there is no schezephrenic paranoid manager that automatically treats everyone like a criminal. your got a job ......mentality. as you've witnessed, something is seriously wrong with vt. i can't even imagine what her private life must be like.