
Very good points above. I am also a former employee and was only on for about ten months. After 5 months I was done. Got screwed over a few times. I was blown away that they would have such little regard for the reps in the field, because we are the ones bringing in every cent of new business, but that has been the MO. Anyway, I'm very happy with my new company, but the only reason I came on this morning was to share that last night I had a nightmare that I was still working at Oxford. That's how shitty my experience was.
I was there 2 years, and still have nightmares.
I was contacted by a agency from California for a Sales Specialist position at Oxford. She said she has been a recruiter on her own for less than two years and is placing just about all the reps. in the company nationwide. She worked a few years ago with Wayne. What?
I smelled some strange desperation and bailed. Thank you gut!

Same here...I never followed up after a phone interview with the new eastern sales manager because I could tell I wasn't going to want the job (but the recruiters were stringimg me along for months so I felt I owed them nothing, even a call back) and Cori calls and said it went great. Then the BRAND NEW Eastern Sales Manager sent me a link to an online personality test type thing which I ignored...and next thing I know I am getting another call to face to face interview with the manager in a major city nearby.

Complete buffoonary.

Is the new eastern sales manager (he's based in florida) still with them? he specifically mentioned taking rides in the field at least 1 or 2 times a quarter. I was wondering how he was to work with.
Same here...I never followed up after a phone interview with the new eastern sales manager because I could tell I wasn't going to want the job (but the recruiters were stringimg me along for months so I felt I owed them nothing, even a call back) and Cori calls and said it went great. Then the BRAND NEW Eastern Sales Manager sent me a link to an online personality test type thing which I ignored...and next thing I know I am getting another call to face to face interview with the manager in a major city nearby.

Complete buffoonary.

Is the new eastern sales manager (he's based in florida) still with them? he specifically mentioned taking rides in the field at least 1 or 2 times a quarter. I was wondering how he was to work with.
If it's Wayne, run!
Same here...I never followed up after a phone interview with the new eastern sales manager because I could tell I wasn't going to want the job (but the recruiters were stringimg me along for months so I felt I owed them nothing, even a call back) and Cori calls and said it went great. Then the BRAND NEW Eastern Sales Manager sent me a link to an online personality test type thing which I ignored...and next thing I know I am getting another call to face to face interview with the manager in a major city nearby.

Complete buffoonary.

Is the new eastern sales manager (he's based in florida) still with them? he specifically mentioned taking rides in the field at least 1 or 2 times a quarter. I was wondering how he was to work with.

Don't do it! It's a complete robotic sales approach with their stupid POV. I was instantly turned off when I saw that bull crap.
Recruiter reached out to me said it was $650 a month. After taxes that doesn't even cover the mileage of the area for an entire month. Sounds like they want people to drive their vehicles for free. Pass!