
Actually a manager that has class and integrity will not mislead a person that they are interviewing into thinking that they have a job. An experienced good leader will tell the person they are interviewing that there are several good candidates out there. That is the right thing to do. It shows class and integrity.

good point - some companies interview and no hear for weeks and then same company expects you to take offer when other companies making offers too. take care of numeral UNO only and don't worry what companies are doing or not doing! not like they care when a severence and layoff comes about

Vegas he haw.

Another point to be careful of is that managers like to interview reps to try and gain information from them by having them do business plans. In reality they just want to try and use these business plans to get better at their own job.

This maybe true due to the fact that some of the manager's here can't handle the combination of hiring a female who is attractive and intelligent, where most places consider it to be an asset.

Especially since the manager was smart enough to figure out by a few of his subtle comments that you were a class act.

Do not count on getting an offer letter from this company, until it is in your hand. That should go for all companies. Keep all of your interviews in tact until that point and be skeptical even if you are told you are the chosen candidate. At the end a political situation can arise so just make sure you look out for yourself.

Feedback-stop being such a hard ass on the interviews and take a good look at yourself and realize that you are far from perfect.