Interviewing here

"If you already have a secure job, keep it and look elsewhere."

Good advice.

Truer words could not be offered to you. This place is the sewer of mid to big (BS-- It's BIG PHARMA) actually worse, as Astellas does not have the portfolio of Big Pharma--but over does it and is actually WORSE than the BigPharma's.... Run like your are being chased by that Sandusky guy from Penn State---TRUTH !!

Training never ends. There is an initial two weeks at home office, followed by field training, then back to home office, then more field training. In all, I believe there are five training segments, each more worthless than the last. If you accept the position, you'll see.

My advice? If you already have a secure job, keep it and look elsewhere. The Astellas board is absolutely toxic, and while I would never publicly say some of the things these people do, there is more truth to the posts than you would believe. If you are in dire need of a job, take it, but be very, very careful. If a manager or director dislikes you for any reason, they will hound and threaten you until you leave. I've seen good, hardworking reps become physically ill with the stress and harassment.

Either way, good luck to you.

I don't know if people like this have worked at other companies, but the training here is pretty easy compared to other companies. When I started in the industry, I spent 12 weeks at training with Merck.

Great.. If you were smart- you would use your surplus time at the "easy training" and be interviewing for a real company. Do yourself a favor and beat feet from the Toxic Wasteland that is Astellas... You must be outta your mind -- RUN

I guess the quote that I can say is 'people all have choices in life and if they feel that Astellas is such a 'terrible' place- than why are they still hear?" Make your choice and take your piss poor attitude to some other company - you CANCEROUS tumor.

I have had experience with other companies and I must said that Astellas has wonderful values and really does so much for their people. I have been a strong performer and have had great experience with not only my counterparts but with my manager and upper management.

It is exhausting to see a bunch of disgruntled 'no talent ass clowns' that come on CP and just bash and name call... Why don't you just add your name to the end of the post if Astellas is so bad don't hide behind an anonymous post... show yourself.

To anyone interviewing: its a great company don't listen to the negative. The training is 2 weeks in chicago - no tests there only at home. 6 months in the field for Nova 2, 3 days back in Chicago again for NOVA 3 (no test) and again in the field for 6 months. Nova 5 is the final phase again only 2-3 days there is a test its tough but you'll be fine.

Health benefits are awesome. They pay you back for your car each paycheck. Bonuses are fine. They match your 401K 6% then dump an add'l 5.5% each year in addition and they also have shut down xmas to new years and 3 wks at least for vacation.

YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE:) Don't second guess yourself based on people who suck at what they do and know it but then all they do is bash because it makes them feel better.

Astellas is a bright spot in this aweful industry. welcome

Wow! Feel like I just left orientation. Your paragraph that starts w/ "health benefits" is accurate but that's about it. Over the past several yrs there's been a decentigration of ethics among middle management. Well, actually, we've just added a lot of middle management. They may not have had any ethics before they got here. Genuine feedback is not appreciated. The salesforce is not valued. On the contrary, they view reps as easily interchangeable. Like buying pens at Staples. If you have experienced those things then you are fortunate enough to have landed with one of the good mgrs. Be glad & don't assume everyone is so lucky.

Your a complete scumbag spreading more missinformation and lies about a godawful dump of a company. I hope you have a nice eternity rotting in hell for living such a competely corrupt and bankrupt life. Got any real relationships in your life? I really doubt it. Being a useless F*ck that spreads lies is no way to live your life.

For most any human being on the planet earth, astellas will be the most horrible and corrupt profesional experience of their lives.

Agree- I'm not negative/ sour-grapes complainer - I just know I worked for this company for a year+ and it was the worst year+ in my Sales Career. This company is a wannabe Small Pharma which really operates worse than a Big Pharma in most capacities. The culture is toxic and leadership is pathetic. I would run like the wind... unless you are desperate...which is what they hope for!

To the original poster: When I was interviewing with Astellas about 7 years ago, I read all of these same awful and toxic reviews about the company on Cafe Pharma. I went with my gut, took the job with Astellas and have to say it was the best move I could have made! This is a great company that looks to promote high performers, has great benefits and pay, gives back to the community, and truly is looking to improve the lives of patients. Don't listen to these people who are so sour grapes.

To the original poster: the above quote posted is by a person who works in home office at Astellas. The company is trying to change "engineer" a better public perception. While at times there is a large amount of garbage put on all cafepharma, it must be said that if you have to hire a person to manage your cafepharma blog, your company is trying to create a false impression. Like this persons quote, it is my opinion that it's lies and falsehoods at Astellas.

Job seeker, ask the DM if you can ride with a rep, call a rep about the job. Do your homework. Look at getting into oncology. Be wise.

I guess the quote that I can say is 'people all have choices in life and if they feel that Astellas is such a 'terrible' place- than why are they still hear?" Make your choice and take your piss poor attitude to some other company - you CANCEROUS tumor.

I have had experience with other companies and I must said that Astellas has wonderful values and really does so much for their people. I have been a strong performer and have had great experience with not only my counterparts but with my manager and upper management.

It is exhausting to see a bunch of disgruntled 'no talent ass clowns' that come on CP and just bash and name call... Why don't you just add your name to the end of the post if Astellas is so bad don't hide behind an anonymous post... show yourself.

To anyone interviewing: its a great company don't listen to the negative. The training is 2 weeks in chicago - no tests there only at home. 6 months in the field for Nova 2, 3 days back in Chicago again for NOVA 3 (no test) and again in the field for 6 months. Nova 5 is the final phase again only 2-3 days there is a test its tough but you'll be fine.

Health benefits are awesome. They pay you back for your car each paycheck. Bonuses are fine. They match your 401K 6% then dump an add'l 5.5% each year in addition and they also have shut down xmas to new years and 3 wks at least for vacation.

YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE:) Don't second guess yourself based on people who suck at what they do and know it but then all they do is bash because it makes them feel better.

Astellas is a bright spot in this aweful industry. welcome
thanks for taking time to reply

where is training at in chicago????? is there specific place and hotel new hires go and is there any time for self at all???????

thanks for taking time to reply

where is training at in chicago????? is there specific place and hotel new hires go and is there any time for self at all???????

Its in Deerfield for the 2 weeks at the corporate office but the training class stays at the Westin in Wheeling. They give you cars and the hotel has transportation for you to take around during your stay. There is plenty of time for yourself. Class is usually at 8-5 but there are many days where you get out early. Nothing to do after class with the exception of the graduation class which is one of the last nights.

Training for Nova 3 and 5 are in and at the Westin in Wheeling. Both are only 2-3 days.

This selection is total crap!

What a snob. A free car, insurance, gas and you cannot be happy with what you have. Buy your own car then. There are so many people in this world who cannot afford a new car or used car let alone some of the fine choice Astellas chooses to give to us for free with no avail. Find another company than that will treat you better then here. Good luck pickins are slim...

What a snob. A free car, insurance, gas and you cannot be happy with what you have. Buy your own car then. There are so many people in this world who cannot afford a new car or used car let alone some of the fine choice Astellas chooses to give to us for free with no avail. Find another company than that will treat you better then here. Good luck pickins are slim...

One important correction, the car is not free. The car is a part of your compensation package for the work you do. No different than insurance or a bonus check. I am always amazed at how many reps think they get a "free car". If you've ever worked w/ a car allowance then you know it's cheaper for the company to use fleet vehicles than to reimburse you. None of your benefits are "free". They are all a part of your compensation or, if it helps you to understand it better, they are all a part of the cost to APUS for employing you.

That said, OP please don't come to work here. We have enough entitled & whiny people here already.

This is a foum for opinions... My opinion is the car selection is crap! I spend 8-10 hrs a day in and out of my vehicle.. it is my office. I f_ing allowed to have an opinion about how this company's car offerings matches up to comparative roles with other organizations you freaking jack-off. Must be your first BBQ. Just shut up and go along ... You'll do fine until HR dicks you over on a compliance gig and your gone like 20% of the sales force from this shit hole

I agree with another poster that there are better pharmaceutical companies that you can work at in Illinois. Astellas is usually not highly rated or highly thought of in the pharma industry. It is a very average company, and the benefits are so-so. If you really, really need the income and need a job badly, and it is offered to you -- grab it -- so you can get a taste of the company culture and its people. Once you get there you will know whether or not you wish to continue seeking "other" employment opportunities or stick it out at Astellas.

Some Information:
Someone that I know, left Baxter, and went to work at Astellas. She stated that the company "is a joke" and she cannot believe how management operates. She resigned after a short stint at Astellas. Another individual transferred to the pharmacovigilance group, and threw her hands up in the air and resigned. She did not have another job to go to, but said "leaving" was the best thing she ever did. The second individual was with the company for 18 years (even when it was known as Fujisawa).

Let me say that the people I currently know, who still work at Astellas, have been there for over four years, but less than 10 years. Astellas has been going through restructuring and/or reorganization since 2005 and 2007, and now, in 2011 they are calling it a "new business model." Call it whatever they want to call it -- they are still passing out pink slips. Their job board is not up-to-date, so don't rely on their company website job board to give you the latest job openings. In 2007, their entire pharmacovigilance (safety) group was outsourced to a major CRO in Wisconsin. The Vice President came from Abbott and he is still at Astellas. He cleaned house and kept a few individuals, but the department is a skeleton crew now and no one seems to know who does what.

In the last several months, several departments were given pink slips (Director level individuals and/or Associate Directors) Job Outplacement services. These were hard working individuals (very smart) who really contributed positively to the company. Suffice it to say that the company has never been the same since it became Astellas (formerly, it was known as Fujisawa). The professionals that I still have contact with at Astellas are senior-level individuals. They are smart and very hard working individuals who came from Abbott and/or Baxter. In the Spring of 2011, Astellas hired four new Vice Presidents who all came from Pfizer (the east coast). They are still cleaning house over there. These new Vice Presidents have made significant changes at Astellas, and have hired others from outside the company. Several high-level executives were shown the door. Thank you for your years of service -- now pack up -- Friday is your last day with us.

The dust has never really settled at Astellas since 2005. My former boss who was at Astellas for 7-1/2 years, recently lost his job there. He worked in the Q.A. group at Astellas. Their Human Resources people are "outsourced" and many do not even live in the State of IL. Also, the H.R. people will show up at a job fair representing Astellas, but are not very knowledgeable about the company that they represent (someone that I know attended a job fair in the Fall of 2011 -- where Astellas was being represented -- she spoke to the H.R. representative who admitted that she lives in Texas and "had no idea" what was really going on at Astellas). Go figure.
A department head and HR rep told someone that they are anti-Abbott point blank. Professionalism?