Interviewing help - please

the more you speak the more you expose yourself your uneducated finance acumen, and overall dim witted thought process. Here's a quick finance lesson for you, and I can't believe I actually have to say this. You cannot evaluate or estimate equity value by one day movement. Furthermore, what you did was surf the internet and try and find one piece of negative information to support your argument. Well congrats, because you did manage to do that, however you didn't actually think about what your posting actually means. Finance is complex topic and not only requires a thorough understand of how equities move, but also requires you to think for yourself about the information you're interpreting. There are no MVA's to assist you.

For example today Yahoo finance reports Medicis shares are up .84% vs industry at .12%, does that mean that Medicis has turned the tide from you grim reporting. No, and there's no need to continue in illogical debate.

Also, while you seemingly dismiss .06 cent dividend payments, remember dividend payments are meant to benefit the majority shareholders who hold, thousands and sometimes millions of shares, not the sales rep who may be entitled to a couple hundred.

But I commend you're ability to google search words and cut paste, well done. If only you knew what the information really meant, would this conversation begin to get interesting.

lighten up , francis. that information the poster pasted from above comes directly from the cschwab alerts - underperform or outperform. Anyone of us should be receiving it given all of our stock options and grants managed by schwab

yea,yea, yea, okay enough with you nerds bickering about finance. the op wanted interview help or something like that. so you hijacked the posting. let's talk about something more f-up that is taboo around here like what's going on with the Andrew Hall lawsuit? He's a big deal, man, especially in the world of bickering queers should know who I 'm talking about. Why doesn't anyone have any update on this subject. It's taboo to talk about in the a gag order on mgrs and reps. but this is big shit. Andrew Hall could eat Jonah for lunch, that's what I'm sayin. any word around the big house?

I can't understand peoples obsession with the potential failures of the company they work with. It reminds me of peoples fascination with apocalyptic movies, we all wait in long lines to see.
In other words, why are most of the threads on cafepharma centered on similar themes, i.e. this company sucks, management sucks, and our jobs will be obsolete in years to come. You all sound like a bunch of 7th graders complaining because you don't get to go on a class trip. Grow up the F--- up.

Imagine if you were running a company and read these threads. would you be pleased knowing that a portion of your employees possess a disdain for the work they do and the company they work for.

Anyone who dislikes what they do, needs to back your bags, and move on. YOu're doing the company, the customers, and the economy disservice.

Furthermore, I've never met a highly successful individual who rose to prominence through complaining and whining about what they deserve. If you see problems with an industry, offer constructive ways to make change, or get the F--- out.

I agree with the above poster, bunch of immature children working in sales.

but we pay your salary. so we are a necessary evil. you teach us how to sell off label, load in, induce, etc, etc etc. then we bring in the big bucks. but when the FDA comes a knockin' you gasp and deny us and answer "we would never tolerate that kind of behavior here at medicis." BANG, your fired. and then you start the same ol shit over again with a new hire...and then the fda comes a knockin' again. same old recycled shit over and over and over. what a brilliant sales strategy. and protected from ever being sued , mind you. thanks for that trojan,...stock. nicely done.

I know this is a dumb questions but I am about to get hired and I was wondering what kind of car do we get. I dont want a mini-van. Thank you in advance for real answers

congrats! me too. I THINK, one of the options is a Ford Edge. But the fleet options usually change from year to year, so it could be something new. Which region will you be working in?

I can't understand peoples obsession with the potential failures of the company they work with. It reminds me of peoples fascination with apocalyptic movies, we all wait in long lines to see.
In other words, why are most of the threads on cafepharma centered on similar themes, i.e. this company sucks, management sucks, and our jobs will be obsolete in years to come. You all sound like a bunch of 7th graders complaining because you don't get to go on a class trip. Grow up the F--- up.

Imagine if you were running a company and read these threads. would you be pleased knowing that a portion of your employees possess a disdain for the work they do and the company they work for.

Anyone who dislikes what they do, needs to back your bags, and move on. YOu're doing the company, the customers, and the economy disservice.

Furthermore, I've never met a highly successful individual who rose to prominence through complaining and whining about what they deserve. If you see problems with an industry, offer constructive ways to make change, or get the F--- out.

Amen, brother! Like it's always said, "33% of the sales force is engaged and successful, 33% is disengaged and unhappy and finally 33% is looking for another job.

I'd love to work for Medicis and make a $hit load of money!

I can't understand peoples obsession with the potential failures of the company they work with. It reminds me of peoples fascination with apocalyptic movies, we all wait in long lines to see.
In other words, why are most of the threads on cafepharma centered on similar themes, i.e. this company sucks, management sucks, and our jobs will be obsolete in years to come. You all sound like a bunch of 7th graders complaining because you don't get to go on a class trip. Grow up the F--- up.

Imagine if you were running a company and read these threads. would you be pleased knowing that a portion of your employees possess a disdain for the work they do and the company they work for.

Anyone who dislikes what they do, needs to back your bags, and move on. YOu're doing the company, the customers, and the economy disservice.

Furthermore, I've never met a highly successful individual who rose to prominence through complaining and whining about what they deserve. If you see problems with an industry, offer constructive ways to make change, or get the F--- out.

Amen brother, I would love to work for Medicis and make some real money.

But like it is always said, "33% of the sales force is engaged and loves their job, 33% is disengaged and going through the motions and finally 33% is currently looking for another job.

The fact is regardless of which 33% you are in at Medicis, the big bucks are only available for a very few at the tippy top of the sales rankings, and no matter what, eventually you will be out of the company (it's a matter of when, not if). No one stays a rep at Medicis for more than a few years, except for a very very few, and even those will rarely talk to anyone at a meeting or on the phone, because they are in daily fear of lossing their job. If you get in, work your ass off, make some money, and save that money, because you will need it in a few years, when you are back on the street looking for another job. Also, remember, when you sell expensive "me-to" drugs likes those at Medicis, it is not your sales acuman that will make your quota. It becomes an endless popularity contest in the doctors' offices, not to mention home office. If you are not a wildly entertaining individual that can connect with the docs and their staffs in a rockstar fashion, you might as well forget it and stick with shlepping a bag for big pharma. Working here is like could be the best thing that ever happened to you (at least for a while), or it could be your worst nightmare. Either way, check your sincerity and your soul at the door, and come on in. If anything, it will be a life lesson for you.

I couldn't add any more. You can make great money with Medicis, but it's not about selling, it's a f-ing popularity contest, and in a popularity contest the prettiest girl usually wins. Not to mention Medicis is now hiring through contract, so they can effortlessly dispose of you after 6 months. There are far better opportunities out there than Medicis right now. It's a good company, but it's not worth all the bs, they put your through.
Interview, and if nothing better comes along, take it.

The fact is regardless of which 33% you are in at Medicis, the big bucks are only available for a very few at the tippy top of the sales rankings, and no matter what, eventually you will be out of the company (it's a matter of when, not if). No one stays a rep at Medicis for more than a few years, except for a very very few, and even those will rarely talk to anyone at a meeting or on the phone, because they are in daily fear of lossing their job. If you get in, work your ass off, make some money, and save that money, because you will need it in a few years, when you are back on the street looking for another job. Also, remember, when you sell expensive "me-to" drugs likes those at Medicis, it is not your sales acuman that will make your quota. It becomes an endless popularity contest in the doctors' offices, not to mention home office. If you are not a wildly entertaining individual that can connect with the docs and their staffs in a rockstar fashion, you might as well forget it and stick with shlepping a bag for big pharma. Working here is like could be the best thing that ever happened to you (at least for a while), or it could be your worst nightmare. Either way, check your sincerity and your soul at the door, and come on in. If anything, it will be a life lesson for you.

WOW. Couldn;t have ever said it any better. Nightmare gets my vote.