the more you speak the more you expose yourself your uneducated finance acumen, and overall dim witted thought process. Here's a quick finance lesson for you, and I can't believe I actually have to say this. You cannot evaluate or estimate equity value by one day movement. Furthermore, what you did was surf the internet and try and find one piece of negative information to support your argument. Well congrats, because you did manage to do that, however you didn't actually think about what your posting actually means. Finance is complex topic and not only requires a thorough understand of how equities move, but also requires you to think for yourself about the information you're interpreting. There are no MVA's to assist you.
For example today Yahoo finance reports Medicis shares are up .84% vs industry at .12%, does that mean that Medicis has turned the tide from you grim reporting. No, and there's no need to continue in illogical debate.
Also, while you seemingly dismiss .06 cent dividend payments, remember dividend payments are meant to benefit the majority shareholders who hold, thousands and sometimes millions of shares, not the sales rep who may be entitled to a couple hundred.
But I commend you're ability to google search words and cut paste, well done. If only you knew what the information really meant, would this conversation begin to get interesting.
For example today Yahoo finance reports Medicis shares are up .84% vs industry at .12%, does that mean that Medicis has turned the tide from you grim reporting. No, and there's no need to continue in illogical debate.
Also, while you seemingly dismiss .06 cent dividend payments, remember dividend payments are meant to benefit the majority shareholders who hold, thousands and sometimes millions of shares, not the sales rep who may be entitled to a couple hundred.
But I commend you're ability to google search words and cut paste, well done. If only you knew what the information really meant, would this conversation begin to get interesting.