Interviewing for EndoSurgery division

Conmed ES Pay

OK, lets get something strait. I work for ES and I can tell you that with the new SM comp plan, the top rep this year will make around 130,000. I know this because we are sent out the rankings and what everyone on the team is making. I am able to see one of the reps in the top 3 right now, and with almost $350,000 in capital and being number 3, he will make around $115,000. The comp plan does not award anyone on capital purchases (Just ask Dan C or Robert who have been screwed out of so much money). If Dan C had this kind of year (over 400,000 in capital sold) last year, he would of made over $200,000, this year he will not even make $150,000.

ConMed is a joke in the industry, and is one of the lowest paying companies for top reps. That is the reason you have high turnover at the top rep level. A lot of companies have high turnover, but the question you have to ask is, are the top reps leaving or is it the under achievers. With ConMed, the top reps used to make good money and would stick around for 3 or 4 years, go into management, and than find a better opportunity. Now all of them have left leaving the top producers now barely making plan and a company with half ass managers. I would love for SM to put a posting on here of how many managers ever made plan that are currently managers. I can only name 2 or 3. I was told during training that JD from the south was under 90% of plan when he became a manager and with the company for less than a year! WTF

OH ya, LW was number 1 rep last year and didnt make over 200,000. Name a company in this industry where the top rep didnt make 200,000. I cant believe they send out how much everyone makes, seems like SM would want to hide that information with how little everyone is making.

Gotta go, have to go sell some more Goldvac since the Altrus vessel sealing device is still not here as promised.

I also currently work for Conmed Endosurgery..It is an excellent break-in job and reps make anywhere from 75k to 225k depending on the territory..You will absolutely get your butt kicked by Applied/Ethicon/Covidien but that doesn't mean you can't make your numbers..If you want any further info on the company I'd be happy to help...Best of luck

I have an interview with Conmed/Linvatec selling: disposables, implants, Bullseye® Anatomic Cruciate Reconstruction System a line of Arthroscopy Shavers and Pumps and the TrueHD Fully Autoclavable Camera.

I am transitioning from medical distribution sales - any suggestions or tips?
Seems the position is 6-12 months salary then full comission - I encourage this, but my concern is Conmed's position with GPO's & if the territory is an expansion (Jacksonvile, Fla.)

This is not an expansion territory. Not sure about GPO's, Recruiter told me contract status was 'good'. Don't know if you are actually in Ortho/Sports Med here in Jax, but Arthrex, S&N and Stryker are pretty heavy hitters here. Do you have any relationships w/ clinics here?

I work for Conmed Endosurgery....I would not recommend working for any other division. With the exception of the uterine manipulator, I mainly sell based on price. In this economy, that is not a bad thing. Even with big facilities locked into contracts with Ethicon/Covidien, there is plenty of opportunity to sell to smaller facilities and meet/beat your numbers. Management in our division is in all others. Linvatec reps are 1099 employees, but endosurgery and electrosurgery are not. Total compensation depends solely on volume which territory size plays a large part in. I've never made less than $120K but I know there are others who haven't made over $85K.

Can someone from Linvatec tell me what the management structure looks like from Joe Darling down (Leave names out) but I am curious if there are area vice presidents or regional managers, division managers etc. Of your sales force, how many are distributor reps and how many are Linvatec W2 employees? Please give me the brutal truth to the next few questions if you will:

1. What does Linvatec do well now?
2. What does Linvatec do poorly?
3. What could Linvatec do to be a real competitive player in the marketplace (Be as specific as you can)?

I appreciate any feedback!

I want to thank all those who convinced me to take a job at Endo. What a joke! Have been here a short time and getting chewed up and spit out by the competition. My RM doesn't help at all (nobody ever knows where he's at) and the VP's of this Div - Charlie LaDouchebag and FW are a couple of Bozo's! What did I do! Help!!

Just could be more miserable. You could work for Electrosurgery and have a real douchebag like SM at the top of your pyramid. Just a bunch of reps hating it over here. Worst management in the industry.

Why is Sean Moore still there? He and DM have destroyed what use to be a good div. Their tactics have lost sales for other divisions as well, are not teamplayers and have various internal complaints against them. What's the deal? How do they get away with it?? Anyone??

I want to thank all those who convinced me to take a job at Endo. What a joke! Have been here a short time and getting chewed up and spit out by the competition. My RM doesn't help at all (nobody ever knows where he's at) and the VP's of this Div - Charlie LaDouchebag and FW are a couple of Bozo's! What did I do! Help!!

You don't have an RM, you have a DM...Douche. There is only one VP not VP's...douche. Try again!

If you are getting chewed up and spit out you should go work at Stride Rite. Maybe kids would be better "sold" on your product.