Interviewing for EndoSurgery division

Thank you - I've been in sales and wanting to break in to medical device sales.

It is a good job to break into medical device. It will give you experience in the OR which allows you to go onto bigger and better companies. You should expect to be paid about 80k first year unless the territory you are taking over is well established. Excellent benefits and car allowance. Their products are no comparison to Ethicon/Covidien unless the account is after cost savings. GPO's are there but the others have locked agreements with hospitals which makes it difficult to break into.

Do not let the goobers on this board sway you from any company. Most responses will be negative in nature and not very informative.

What are you talking about, you just became a gobber.

Stating that a medical device company expectations is $80,000 will scare every good sales rep away. Anyone that is good at sales would think that is the salary, now where is the commission. If you make $80,000 in a medical company, you will have a very hard time interviewing with other company's, especially if they ask what you W2'd. Top reps in this industry make 250,000, so when you tell me that you made 80,000, there is no way I am going to hire you.

Keep the 2 cent's, you are going to need it...

If you were 127% and made 109,000, you should really start looking for another job, I actually would have to agree with that poster, I dont think that I would hire anyone if they told me they made 80000 selling medical devices,,, go to pharma, you dont have to work and you will make more than that.

You're missing the point. You are categorizing all companies, jobs, products, territories into what YOU think is appropriate. You're a dumbass. I have always thought this site is ridiculous and you just confirmed it! I can count the number of device reps that make that kind of money in my city on my hands....maybe one hand. Who are you trying to impress lier!

To the person interviewing with the EndoSurgery division - what are your questions? I currently work for that division and am happy to answer your questions. What state/territory are you interviewing for and I can tell you about the Regional Manager?

Don't listen to all these idiots...Money is NEVER enough...the same people who are making 100k complain as much as people making 200k...this board is filled people who are unhappy with their own jobs and like to make themselves feel better sharing all the negative aspects of each whatever is going to make you could be unemployed or living in Haiti...

What are you talking about, you just became a gobber.

Stating that a medical device company expectations is $80,000 will scare every good sales rep away. Anyone that is good at sales would think that is the salary, now where is the commission. If you make $80,000 in a medical company, you will have a very hard time interviewing with other company's, especially if they ask what you W2'd. Top reps in this industry make 250,000, so when you tell me that you made 80,000, there is no way I am going to hire you.

Keep the 2 cent's, you are going to need it...

Must be nice to be a noobie in the medical device arena and pull 250k. SUUUUURRRRREEE!!
He asked about the company and that is what the avg new rep makes. Take it or leave it but its the truth. Second year you can make alot more.

I currently work in this division of ConMed. While there are other better-paying positions out there, there is also something to be said for not having to work all that hard to make decent money. I average $125K/yr, have a manager that leaves me alone, I do 1-2 overnights per month at most, and no stress in my job. Having said that - I would NOT take a sales position in any other ConMed division. ESPECIALLY Electrosurgery.

I might be interviewing for the EndoSurgery division shortly and would like to get some opinions about something. After doing some research, it seems territories are much larger with Conmed than its competitors. Coming from many years in b2b sales, I see this as a good thing but a friend already in endo sales trashed Conmed for this reason. I would think that a large territory offers an aggressive rep the opportunity to grow the business and get beyond the avg comp which is low at this company.

Not in the Endo division, but do work for another division. Yes, the territories are very big. I can see why you think this may be a good thing, but it really isn't.

Way too much area to cover and you are spread too thin. When you cover 7 or 8 major areas and the competition has 2-3 reps in each of those, it can be tough to compete.

With that said, don't let that steer you away. If you are in B2B and looking to get in, go for it.

Good luck.

I also currently work for Conmed Endosurgery..It is an excellent break-in job and reps make anywhere from 75k to 225k depending on the territory..You will absolutely get your butt kicked by Applied/Ethicon/Covidien but that doesn't mean you can't make your numbers..If you want any further info on the company I'd be happy to help...Best of luck

Their are not very many companies anymore that just let the sales reps sell. Because of the recession, reps are needed to work longer and harder hours which means managers are being pushed to make sure they do this. You will be held accountable for your numbers and be pushed to sell beyond your capabilities.

To the 8/27 poster:
Are you speaking from current Conmed experience or are you talking generally? If current experience, has the turnover increased this year because of reps missing their quota? Do you believe management has a plan to get through the recession other than unrealistic demands? A plan could be new product releases, price adjustments, territory realignments, etc. I would be very interested to hear answers from someone on the inside.

To the 7/30 poster:
"You will absolutely get your butt kicked by Applied/Ethicon/Covidien but that doesn't mean you can't make your numbers"
With at least 2 of the 3 companies you mentioned being on the more expensive side, do you see the recession as an opportunity to increase your business?