interview and company insight

Don't listen to anything this person says. I know first hand that a lot of former reps who could not handle it come here pretending to still work for us. I love working here.

Who in the hell would "pretend" to still work for this antiquated company. Management sucks ass, the pay is sub par..... & training is about 3 weeks shy of a college semester...... (too damn long). Only an old head who is to scared or complacency to leave would stay at this shithole company!

Don't listen to anything this person says. I know first hand that a lot of former reps who could not handle it come here pretending to still work for us. I love working here.

Who in the hell would "pretend" to still work for this antiquated company. Management sucks ass, the pay is sub par..... & training is about 3 weeks shy of a college semester...... (too damn long). Only an old head who is too scared or complacent to leave would stay at this shithole company!

You have been saying this for 2 years now are a clueless idiot!

So I suppose getting rid of the DSS wasn't a downsizing. Or the abdominal imaging specialist? Right. There hasn't been down sizing just...wait...what do they call it, reorganizing or right-sizing. And no, they didn't add more to sell but no more new people to take some of the burden. Right? It's been happening for years to us already. Wake up!

DSS and AIS layoffs? that was years and years ago. You are clueless. I'm talking about out D Reps who idiots like you saying they would less of. Nope-still together going strong!!!

First, reading is fundamental. I did not say the DSS or AIS were laid off. They were dissolved hence the term "downsizing". And the DSS downsizing was 2 years ago and the AIS two years before that. Anyone seeing a pattern? It is sad that you can't get past your blue and green sippy straw to even have an intelligent thought about this. But then again, clearly you are the designated hall monitor for CP and this is in your job description. There is no other way you would protest facts so much. The lady doth protest too much...I said lady because I always presumed it was BR responding to these but now that there was a demotion I am not sure.

First off, you are the one who can't read. I was solely speaking of the D Reps positions that all the idiots like you on this board were saying we're going to be to downsized for the past 2 years and NOTHING. The AIS and DSS position were not needed and everyone knew that including the reps themselves. So I don't see a trend. Bracco continues to hire and fill D Rep positions, so please stop spreading your BS You idiot!!!! Still together going strong. Please leave if you can't appreciate t a good quality company.

I am also entertaining a sales position, new ultrasound agent, doesn't seem to have much momentum and of course can't get a straight answer why, ....any insight before i step up to bat?

No. Just no. Keep looking. I worked there for two years. Got out as soon as possible. Management is a joke. Backorders are common. Fancy new product (CT Expres) is a flop.

weirdest work environment...have to pretend everything is ok with their agents when they clearly are not performing properly, therefore nothing ever gets fixed or improved. have to recognize the issues before they fix them..