Internal Memo: Pfizer vowed to campaign for Obamacare support


Memos show that former Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Kindler and his top aides were involved in drawing it up and getting support from other company executives.

What do you guys live under a rock? This is tremendously old news, sad and shameful as it is.

Kindler is gone, this is probably a post from Ian and his cronies trying divert attention from his skullduggery.

Now we know why Pfizer Board of Directors have Kindler $24 million severance in "hush money" for leveraging quid pro quo tactics. Kindler-Pfizer-Sussman became the democratic party version of Jack Abrahmoff.

Included in the documents released by the Republicans was an October 2012 e-mail from Bryant Hall, a PhRMA lobbyist,
In it, Hall wrote that the Obama administration had agreed to block a proposal by Democrats in Congress that would let people import pharmaceutical products from outside the U.S., where price controls offer them at lower costs than they can be obtained inside the U.S.
The White House “is working on some very explicit language to kill it in health-care reform,” Hall wrote in an e-mail sent to Kindler and Sally Susman, a current Pfizer executive vice president and head of the New York-based drugmaker’s public policy and communications operations.

You dumb shits. Pfizer made a deal to support the healthcare bill because they would make LOTS OF MONEY from it. That's the only reason. It wouldn't have mattered if the deal was with Satan himself - it if would make us money we'd sign on!!!!

Crony socialism. Extort the businesses to go along with and support your socialism.

It's the obamao way.

Fortunately, PHRMA refused to follow through on the corrupt agreement.

And you can bet on it that obamao is retaliating like a good little leftist dictator always does.

Oh gasp

Do you mean an industry would work behind the scenes to get favorable trade benefits? This is a first! Great reporting, you should get a pulitzer for your deep investigative work.

Oh course they were working with the admin. to pass Obamacare. It creates 10's of millions of customers for our branded and generic meds. added bonus if we can block reimportation of cheaper drugs.

Wake up

More crony socialism to make your day.

The $50 billion General Motors (GM) bailout was a Democrat Crony Socialist nightmare. The Obama Administration illegally over-rewarded its union friendsand destroyed Republican-enemy auto dealers, to name but two facets of the titanic debacle.

We the Taxpayers are still out $30+ billion on the auto bailout. Meanwhile, GM is cutting even more Crony Socialist deals.

General Motors told the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission today that it failed to report a $600,000 deal given to an ad agency where the wife of GM's chief financial officer is a partner.

In a filing GM said it had "recently learned about" a contract awarded in 2011 to an agency where CFO Dan Ammann's wife, Pernilla Ammann, is also the chief operating officer.

It’s not just the crime - it’s the cover up.

You all need to read John Kass in the Chicago Tribune. He outlines "the Chicago way" of politics from whence your President came from. He is about as much of a reformer as the mafia.

This topic is well covered in other recent threads. Kindler, Sussman, and Beatty were the originators of the strategy to support Obamacare. They strong-armed PhRMA to support the plan and there were secret meetings at the White House. There were also secret meetings at Pfizer with leading liberal power-brokers like Andy Stern and Donna Shalala. In Supporting Obama and his Obamacare scheme, Pfizer and PhRMA betrayed long standing principals as well as their historic relatioship with Republicans. Those within the Corporate Affairs, Communications, and Policy Departments within Pfizer who objected, or who were just known Republicans, were fired. It was the Democratic line or the employment line. This is what happened to McCormick, Bagger, Slater, and many others. Ian was a passive observer as all this went down and he no doubt has enjoyed seeing Kindler and his synchophants self-destruct -- leaving him the last man standing.

We now have no freinds in Washington to protect the industry and a world of hurt is coming down on Pfizer and PhRMA. Do you miss Shedlarz and Katen yet?

Please give to the Pfizer PAC this summer. We
Need you to tithe 10% to help Pfizer have it's voice heard for the future of our industry (and our 25% annual raises because 5 million a year is not enough).


Executive Management

Please give to the Pfizer PAC this summer. We
Need you to tithe 10% to help Pfizer have it's voice heard for the future of our industry (and our 25% annual raises because 5 million a year is not enough).


Executive Management

ps, Susman will make sure it gets evenly distributed between parties, even though she is a bundler for Obama,,,We assure you she will remain objective with your PAC Contributions

Simply because my father has been a bundler for the Democratic party for more than 20 years,

or that he was appointed Ambassador to the UK by President Obama for his lifelong service to the Democratic party,

or that I too am a bundler for President Obama, including the recent $35K per plate shindig I organized here in the City,

or because I worked very hard to assure Pfizer and PhRMA support the goals of the Obama adminstration, including the much needed health reform bill we helped pass,

doesnt mean that I have any biases about how Pfizer PAC money is used or which party it supports. I am completely agnostic on such things. You can trust me to do what is best for Pfizer.



Simply because my father has been a bundler for the Democratic party for more than 20 years,

or that he was appointed Ambassador to the UK by President Obama for his lifelong service to the Democratic party,

or that I too am a bundler for President Obama, including the recent $35K per plate shindig I organized here in the City,

or because I worked very hard to assure Pfizer and PhRMA support the goals of the Obama adminstration, including the much needed health reform bill we helped pass,

doesnt mean that I have any biases about how Pfizer PAC money is used or which party it supports. I am completely agnostic on such things. You can trust me to do what is best for Pfizer.



Thanks Sally! You are an open book and an honorable person! Pfizer is lucky to have dedicated, ethical people such as yourself who put the company goals above their own personal agenda...I am sure the public perception of the company will greatly improve once they meet you and hear your story...

You dumb shits. Pfizer made a deal to support the healthcare bill because they would make LOTS OF MONEY from it. That's the only reason. It wouldn't have mattered if the deal was with Satan himself - it if would make us money we'd sign on!!!!

Yeah. We've been clit bit.
Now that pharma has done a deal with the devil to make sure the gov is the largest payor, it cant compete in an open mkt anymore.

Thanks JK & SS

Wouldn't surprise me if the Obama Administration does't keep their bargain. My guess is that in five years, Medicare will negotiate prices. Because it has to in order to keep from going BROKE!