there are no dianon reps. long gone by now
I thought I saw it all in my career and obvoiusly I was wrong. Coming into LabCorp from the Genzyme acuisition I heard many things. Most of them were BS, but one thing that I did hear was that it was the LabCorp way. You could either get on board or move on down the road. I have tried to put everything behind me and keep pushing through but it gets harder and harder to do.
I heard many things from the USL reps and didnt think that much of USL before we were combined. Now I see what they were saying and how many of them have stayed and how some of them have decided to leave. DM and MM made a bad decision with TW and should have given that job to JK. We would be in a much better place today if that were the case. It hurts to say that but it is the truth.
JK was a great leader. He always had the sales peoples backs and wanted the best for them. I heard he did Genoptix contest while he was here and paid out some sick money. Wish we could see something like again.
The longer you sit around and whine about all the talent that left your former organization, the more miserable you'll be. There are two types of people at labcorp. losers and bigger losers.
losers stick around because they are stuck and have limited options due to a variety of things: geographical restrictions, tenure, fear of the unknown that a new job might bring. you are the lifeblood of why labcorp will always exist. they spoon feed you s--t in the form of sub-par compensation, awful bene's etc., and you keep taking it and hoping things will get better.
bigger losers are what permeates labcorp from the management level on up. these people stay because they've been bigger failures at other places and labcorp represents as good as it will possibly ever get for them. they have sucked up to someone higher on the totem, been given a fancy title and believe that they might actually be good at what they do. what they fail to realize is they do not make a single decision - they only follow orders from above which is how things work at labcorp. do not kid yourself: if you are not in nc, you don't make a single decision in your day to day responsibilities w/o getting approval. and you will keep kissing the backside of whomever you've cozied up to.
some bigger losers would love to move on from labcorp and have tried mightily. but they cannot leave and nobody wants them. they keep getting passed over in interviews because everyone out there knows these people are talentless, order-taking losers. mentioning labcorp to a prospective employer is career suicide. and the longer tenure you have with labcorp, the more pathetic and useless you appear. So the bigger losers are stuck too.
You are wrong about employers not respecting people that come from LabCorp. Your view is tainted and that's what you want to see and hear and no amount of evidence will ever convince you otherwise but we don't care. So tell us your history with the company and what you're doing now.
8 calls per day, 40 per week logged and accounted for. Dropped off printed paper, and some ink, got cookies for one doc and sold nothing. Took care of billing issues on all calls. What a great company this is.
Maybe we are just smart enough not to live in North or South Dakota, or anywhere in Alabama. How about you move sparky.
Maybe we are just smart enough not to live in North or South Dakota, or anywhere in Alabama. How about you move sparky.
This is the true definition of a "Howdy call". There's no quality in the visit. Just a confirmation you were seen at the business site. This is somewhat possible in big cities when doctor's offices are in one building or just blocks apart, but when your territory is somewhat rural to absolutely rural, then this becomes a true "Howdy visit". And even if the AM covering the rural area could keep up with the "8 visit per day requirement", Windshield time becomes a definite factor. Some of you brilliant people in upper management should get in the car and cover, for example, N. Dakota, S. Dakota and Nebraska. The same goes for middle PA as well as rural Alabama. Try it. Not just try it. Try it day in and day out. You will find you have NO time to do research, good follow up as well as documentation. You need to incorporate ONE "Home Office Day". But people who sit behind desks and try to "Think" how people in the field can better use their time are the people who are completely out of touch. Now WM and the rest of you, GET REAL !!!!
CONGRATS!!! if I could figure out how to truely use my work provided iPad 2 I would put some emoticons on this. You are 100 percent on the DOT with your response on non highly populated areas - I just question the whole HOWDY call mentality you have..... if you are the one and few between reps that call on these rural clincs then why are you not a partner with the DOCTOR to bring the latest testing, technology etc to them? I AM NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AIDE - I cover rural area's in states as less populated then the whiner above.... Have you ever thought - IT IS YOU ~ no one else not your bosses, not the corporation, not the clients - YOU SUCK!!!!! You can not even make it in a area that gives applause for a post it or pin, much less knowing the med journel will be a week late - You could have.................. You could have.......... You could have........ nope~~~~~~ just missed your chance....