Integrated Micromanagement Needs to Stop Now


Not sure what the hell is going on here but the micromanagement needs to stop. Enough with the f-ing reports with bullshit details that are provided b/c frankly i don't know why the hell the "volume" is down. Maybe the clients are so sick and tired of us telling them that we are not like Labcorp. Wake up jackasses. we are Labcorp, in fact we are so much like labcorp i accidentally have been telling people i work for labcorp. The units are going to start going way down when you drive whats left of your best people out the door and right to a competitor. This is a wake up call. BACK OFF. I am working my ass off and don't need or want to justify why my units are down. when i stop making money here the units are going to start slipping because i will be working hard with a recruiter to find a new gig. take this as a piece of advice. when the crew is unhappy the ship is more likely to sink.

Not sure what the hell is going on here but the micromanagement needs to stop. Enough with the f-ing reports with bullshit details that are provided b/c frankly i don't know why the hell the "volume" is down. Maybe the clients are so sick and tired of us telling them that we are not like Labcorp. Wake up jackasses. we are Labcorp, in fact we are so much like labcorp i accidentally have been telling people i work for labcorp. The units are going to start going way down when you drive whats left of your best people out the door and right to a competitor. This is a wake up call. BACK OFF. I am working my ass off and don't need or want to justify why my units are down. when i stop making money here the units are going to start slipping because i will be working hard with a recruiter to find a new gig. take this as a piece of advice. when the crew is unhappy the ship is more likely to sink.

You have accidentally have been telling people you work for LabCorp? It sounds like you don't but if you don't then why are you posting these comments on the LabCorp page? Who do you work for?

You have accidentally have been telling people you work for LabCorp? It sounds like you don't but if you don't then why are you posting these comments on the LabCorp page? Who do you work for?

The poster works for INTEGRATED ONCOLOGY the newly formed Genzyme/US LABS hybrid..
Can't you figure that out...You most definitely are a long term LabCorp employee...

Not sure what the hell is going on here but the micromanagement needs to stop. Enough with the f-ing reports with bullshit details that are provided b/c frankly i don't know why the hell the "volume" is down. Maybe the clients are so sick and tired of us telling them that we are not like Labcorp. Wake up jackasses. we are Labcorp, in fact we are so much like labcorp i accidentally have been telling people i work for labcorp. The units are going to start going way down when you drive whats left of your best people out the door and right to a competitor. This is a wake up call. BACK OFF. I am working my ass off and don't need or want to justify why my units are down. when i stop making money here the units are going to start slipping because i will be working hard with a recruiter to find a new gig. take this as a piece of advice. when the crew is unhappy the ship is more likely to sink.

How could you be so painfully blind to think that working under the LabCorp umbrella under a diff name would yield different results. LCA squeezes blood from a stone. The volume is down because your product and service suck (and always will) and this company will never spend a dime more than they have to in order to provide something premier. margins: it's all about margins and getting the most by spending the least. you cannot attract talent with that model so eventually, the top producers move on and you are left with a bunch of people who aren't wanted anywhere else and sit around all day blaming others for their failings and pointing fingers trying to dodge the blame for all the monumental f ups and failings this company routinely peddles. and the people that are left that call themselves sales reps don't actually sell. They run around all day with a managed care list trying to strong arm physicians to use them.

How could you be so painfully blind to think that working under the LabCorp umbrella under a diff name would yield different results. LCA squeezes blood from a stone. The volume is down because your product and service suck (and always will) and this company will never spend a dime more than they have to in order to provide something premier. margins: it's all about margins and getting the most by spending the least. you cannot attract talent with that model so eventually, the top producers move on and you are left with a bunch of people who aren't wanted anywhere else and sit around all day blaming others for their failings and pointing fingers trying to dodge the blame for all the monumental f ups and failings this company routinely peddles. and the people that are left that call themselves sales reps don't actually sell. They run around all day with a managed care list trying to strong arm physicians to use them.

Very true... and these people, and everyone else, are supervised/managed by those who don't have a clue what they're doing; much less how to do it. These ersatz "managers,"
know it all and if you don't believe it, just ask them; they will tell you. Many are products of the nepotistic variety; however, there are also those gained their position via the good old-boy connection. None of them have any idea exactly what LCA is; what it does or what it's supposed to do. They do know that they have a great job, with wonderful benefits and lots of bonuses; which necessitates their efforts to justify their collective jobs. Hence, the micromanagement, BS policies and practices that pervade the entire company. If someone would actually hold them accountable for their actions; call them to task for their supercilious policies and endless waste of company resources... well then, maybe, just maybe, this company would be able to shift its focus back to the actual job at hand. Of course, this will never happen because we have too many idiots in positions of responsibility. Hope that everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day!

Very true... and these people, and everyone else, are supervised/managed by those who don't have a clue what they're doing; much less how to do it. These ersatz "managers,"
know it all and if you don't believe it, just ask them; they will tell you. Many are products of the nepotistic variety; however, there are also those gained their position via the good old-boy connection. None of them have any idea exactly what LCA is; what it does or what it's supposed to do. They do know that they have a great job, with wonderful benefits and lots of bonuses; which necessitates their efforts to justify their collective jobs. Hence, the micromanagement, BS policies and practices that pervade the entire company. If someone would actually hold them accountable for their actions; call them to task for their supercilious policies and endless waste of company resources... well then, maybe, just maybe, this company would be able to shift its focus back to the actual job at hand. Of course, this will never happen because we have too many idiots in positions of responsibility. Hope that everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day!

Wow! An intelligent post.

The reps that stayed are too used to their GG salary, the volvo,etc etc. They cant get another job without taking a massive pay cut. The AVP level up pounds you behind your backs because they just want to save their jobs. The product is labcorp, everyone that mattered left, you are now stuck with the riff raff. We all just laugh at you in our accounts knowing Neo, Clarient, Caris, CSI all kick your a$$ every day. LC does not want to hear its their fault, so they blame you. Too bad.

I agree LC penny pinching isn't what we're used to. We spent money to make money and the opposite is true now. I do think though that on the Repro side of Integrated there is a hope that things remain somewhat as they were (but with more pressure, reports, etc). We have new products coming out and that is always good no matter what division you're in. I'm hoping that we can prove that we're worth spending money on. We can't be cheap with our clients when it comes to education, etc. Our competitors don't have these crazy caps on spending and neither should we. It's not a level playing field. Right now at least we have products to differentiate ourselves. A lot of the repro people are still here.

I agree LC penny pinching isn't what we're used to. We spent money to make money and the opposite is true now. I do think though that on the Repro side of Integrated there is a hope that things remain somewhat as they were (but with more pressure, reports, etc). We have new products coming out and that is always good no matter what division you're in. I'm hoping that we can prove that we're worth spending money on. We can't be cheap with our clients when it comes to education, etc. Our competitors don't have these crazy caps on spending and neither should we. It's not a level playing field. Right now at least we have products to differentiate ourselves. A lot of the repro people are still here.

You still don't get it. LCA is not in business to do lab work. It is in then business of high finance/Wall Stree.

Not sure what the hell is going on here but the micromanagement needs to stop. Enough with the f-ing reports with bullshit details that are provided b/c frankly i don't know why the hell the "volume" is down. Maybe the clients are so sick and tired of us telling them that we are not like Labcorp. Wake up jackasses. we are Labcorp, in fact we are so much like labcorp i accidentally have been telling people i work for labcorp. The units are going to start going way down when you drive whats left of your best people out the door and right to a competitor. This is a wake up call. BACK OFF. I am working my ass off and don't need or want to justify why my units are down. when i stop making money here the units are going to start slipping because i will be working hard with a recruiter to find a new gig. take this as a piece of advice. when the crew is unhappy the ship is more likely to sink.

I hate to say it, but it is you who should wake up. Trust that they do not care who leaves. You are just history repeating itself. You are not the only ones suffering through this bs . The whole company is micromanaged by division managers who have to justify their positions by making useless busy work. The local managers just mindlessly follow instruction. Feel like a cruel game is being played and the jokes on you? If you have not figured it out by now, you are a late bloomer. LCA, behaving just like a private equity firm, grows the company through acquisitions. They dismantle the acquired lab, take what they want and discard the rest. Do your homework. I can understand you hanging in there if you can't do better right now, but when you really get a true understanding of the company's model, you will either have to get with the program and put up with the bs or move on like the rest of us did.

I hate to say it, but it is you who should wake up. Trust that they do not care who leaves. You are just history repeating itself. You are not the only ones suffering through this bs . The whole company is micromanaged by division managers who have to justify their positions by making useless busy work. The local managers just mindlessly follow instruction. Feel like a cruel game is being played and the jokes on you? If you have not figured it out by now, you are a late bloomer. LCA, behaving just like a private equity firm, grows the company through acquisitions. They dismantle the acquired lab, take what they want and discard the rest. Do your homework. I can understand you hanging in there if you can't do better right now, but when you really get a true understanding of the company's model, you will either have to get with the program and put up with the bs or move on like the rest of us did.

I am not asleep at the wheel. I fully understand how this company operates. It is run by lawyers and accountants who couldn't understand the patient is the beacon if the patient slapped them in the face. What has been so hard to accept is that Former Genzyme was build on its product, its reputation for good service, and its people. Thats it. A very simple formula. Like I said in my original post, if you start to micromanage your people Former Genzyme will cease to exist and it will just be LC (but it really already is)

I am not asleep at the wheel. I fully understand how this company operates. It is run by lawyers and accountants who couldn't understand the patient is the beacon if the patient slapped them in the face. What has been so hard to accept is that Former Genzyme was build on its product, its reputation for good service, and its people. Thats it. A very simple formula. Like I said in my original post, if you start to micromanage your people Former Genzyme will cease to exist and it will just be LC (but it really already is)

It is hard letting go, isn't it? But you nailed it. It is what it is.

Very true... and these people, and everyone else, are supervised/managed by those who don't have a clue what they're doing; much less how to do it. These ersatz "managers,"
know it all and if you don't believe it, just ask them; they will tell you. Many are products of the nepotistic variety; however, there are also those gained their position via the good old-boy connection. None of them have any idea exactly what LCA is; what it does or what it's supposed to do. They do know that they have a great job, with wonderful benefits and lots of bonuses; which necessitates their efforts to justify their collective jobs. Hence, the micromanagement, BS policies and practices that pervade the entire company. If someone would actually hold them accountable for their actions; call them to task for their supercilious policies and endless waste of company resources... well then, maybe, just maybe, this company would be able to shift its focus back to the actual job at hand. Of course, this will never happen because we have too many idiots in positions of responsibility. Hope that everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day!

Hence the need for micromanaging. They have to be able to tell their ersatz " supervisors/managers" what to do. They don't have competent ones because of the reasons you gave and/or they don't want to pay for competent experience. Margins all the way. Penny rich and pound foolish. But it works for Wall Street. Lets see how long this model will sustain itself before the whole thing comes crashing down.

I think the beatings will continue until the numbers improve but the numbers can't improve until morale is up. Nothing is worse than a bunch of people who are half in and half out looking for jobs. Hopefully the new tests will give people a chance to make some money and let us earn some respect as a division.

I think the b`eatings will continue until the numbers improve but the numbers can't improve until morale is up. Nothing is worse than a bunch of people who are half in and half out looking for jobs. Hopefully the new tests will give people a chance to make some money and let us earn some respect as a division.

please `