Integra LifeSciences downgraded at Citi on recall, lowered guidance

Come to Integra...where we give awards to people for doing their normal job responsibilities, but stay for the fun in sales when we mandate you hit your sales quota even though we dont have any product.

Investor or prospective employee

Much “growth” here is price increases not adoption……Dinosaur technology well past any real growth opportunity …..tough place to work w mostly miserable people….place is like working for Macys in 2023, just very well past its prime

Yawn: While we are out "closing the quarter strong" so we can secure more expense money maybe you should rethink the timing of your "unwavering" on diversity and inclusion. Here's a novel thought: do your job. While you are galavanting about these BS HR check the box initiatives, your company is dying because we cant do anything right. Give it a rest. We are exhausted with these things and we are tired of dealing with every function at Integra that suck at their job.

Lets play Guess how Much Directors and VP of Sales make in WRC

VP - 400k salary
Director - 250k

looooota money…relative to other companies in the market, super bloated for similar returns

I’m in agreement. Bartlett is a warm body. Bob I’d clueless. Corey has the leadership ability of a seashell. Loves his little puns. Boil the ocean. Over my skis. All these fools are going turn on each other to save their sub par jobs. Weakness breeds weakness

weakness breeds weakness should be the new company motto. Lots of things seems uncertain at this point.

The only thing that is certain is that all of these rbm’s, ASD’s etc will turn on each other if they already haven’t. It’s the blame game to the 10th degree! Blame everyone else, blame back orders, blame the transition of the business from one entity to another and hopefully keep your bs job

The only thing that is certain is that all of these rbm’s, ASD’s etc will turn on each other if they already haven’t. It’s the blame game to the 10th degree! Blame everyone else, blame back orders, blame the transition of the business from one entity to another and hopefully keep your bs job

There is so much wrong with this statement. There are many BS jobs at Integra but the ones you listed here are not BS jobs. BS jobs include: marketing, inside sales, NBS or whatever the hell they are they do nothing, enterprise, the list goes on and on and on. Also, the blame game??? There is literally no product to sell and what there is is on backorder.