Intarcia Therapeutics

For the investors to break-even while earning a 1.5% royalty, the pump would have to fetch total net sales over its market life of $15 billion.

The financing round reflects a conviction that the pump, which Intarcia expects will reach the market in early 2017, will prove to be a huge seller.

Please write to if you would like an update on those huge sales that started in early 2017

Heard from an insider - Management nervous about not getting FDA approval and thus slow down in hiring activities.

Running low on cash as they are overwhelmed by how much effort it takes to go commercial after being start-up for over 20 years and doing another round of raising money with some investors pushing back.

Jury is out on whether implant will be smashing success or biggest turd to hit the diabetes market.

Anyone nervous ?

Heard from an insider - Management nervous about not getting FDA approval and thus slow down in hiring activities.

Running low on cash as they are overwhelmed by how much effort it takes to go commercial after being start-up for over 20 years and doing another round of raising money with some investors pushing back.

Jury is out on whether implant will be smashing success or biggest turd to hit the diabetes market.

Above msg was posted on June 17 last year. ULT members knew NDA was toast 3 months before CRL. Intarcia kept on hiring $300+/hr consultant cronies to back sr director level amateur positions and the fact that no qualified person in the Bay area would join the Hayward shit hole (especially the most fucked up department QA). Cash was running low last year and rumours have it that just enough to get by till end of 2018.

Jury is still out as ITCA won't be approved any time soon. No one knows when and 1 things for sure - FDA will scrutinize every word, number and especially for cooking data.

KG - please FIRE Gopi Kurse!

The whistleblower hunt continues DL show an IT Report on websites visited and length of time on website. Do not use work computer or you will be caught.

Good warning as gestapos at Intarcia are squirming. Do not use work laptop even at home unless you clear the history and wouldn't be surprised if they install tracking software on some people suspected of posting here and worse contacting whistleblower lawyers.

Resubmission in March 2018? LOL Not after SZ had to confess to FDA that uh we kind a fucked up the stability and sterility.

FDA's response? You fuckin idiots! Bad enough it took you days to respond to ugly 483 in Aug 2017 with utterly shitty responses which resulted in CRL and now stability failures? SHUT ALL TRIALS DOWN and re-do everything including new product, process and trials as all your Ph 3 data are questionable! DOOMED :D

Resubmission in March 2018? LOL Not after SZ had to confess to FDA that uh we kind a fucked up the stability and sterility.

FDA's response? You fuckin idiots! Bad enough it took you days to respond to ugly 483 in Aug 2017 with utterly shitty responses which resulted in CRL and now stability failures? SHUT ALL TRIALS DOWN and re-do everything including new product, process and trials as all your Ph 3 data are questionable! DOOMED :D


Graves further noted that Intarcia plans to eventually re-launch similar studies pending discussions with the FDA, and hopes to re-submit its application around mid-year after meeting with the regulator.

"around mid-year" ie, at the end of the sixth month - by June 30th

alright boys and girls - lets hear your voice

when in 2018 does Intarcia resubmit the DUROS/Viadur/ITCA/Medici pump ?

who votes for "NFW in 2018" ?

Graves further noted that Intarcia plans to eventually re-launch similar studies pending discussions with the FDA, and hopes to re-submit its application around mid-year after meeting with the regulator.

"around mid-year" ie, at the end of the sixth month - by June 30th

alright boys and girls - lets hear your voice

when in 2018 does Intarcia resubmit the DUROS/Viadur/ITCA/Medici pump ?

who votes for "NFW in 2018" ?

Yeah KG said approval and IPO in 2017 too.

It's really out of Intarcia's control as sure they can resubmit another questionable joke submission only for the FDA and shit all over them in due time. Their best case is manufacturing out of new site in Ireland given how bad the Hayward facility is but we are talking about another 1 - 1.5 year and al the while running out of cash.

How was bonus payout ? Publicis said this was capitial equipment comp not sample dropper pay. I made another choice when recruiter pushed final interviews back. Still in a pod structure but we have coverage with first q bonus just below 15 looks better for 2q. So how idi it work out ? Is this capital equipment comp ?

Piss off troll. You know perfectly well that there is no launch. We took a chance and it dint work out. I will be on to something better soon.

ROFL - We took a chance? Really? Such an attitude on developing drug just for kind the hell of it? Chumps like you won't be welcomed at next gig with tainted POS scam on par with Theranos on your CV.

Say are there journalist trolling the neighborhood fishing for lies and deceptions?