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input from nurse edu's welcomed


Hi nurses! I am considering a CNE position in the AbbVie/Abbott/Quint. corp. I would love some honest feedback on the following: ( not that I don't love the posts filled with thickly ladden sarcasm and potty humor! ;)

1-do you think your position is a reasonably secure one, or do you feel the impending doom of layoffs in your future considering the market?

2-do you find there is genuine education and patient focused care in your role, or do you feel more like a pharm rep using the Nurse-Nightingale theme as a front / sales strategy?

3-are your managers / peers generally supportive, approachable, open? Or, is the climate purely cut-throat-corporate?

Anything else you wish someone told you before entering this role?

Thanks for your time.


ok, so using this role is really just a good marketing move on the part of the company - a replacement for the reps that now can't get two seconds of face time with the docs? I mean if that's what it really is - I want to know.

And a fat gut it is, no doubt - to match your giant nursey ass. Too many rep catered lunches. Only a complete buffoon would come to this forum with an assinine question like that. Hey, on second thought, you are perfect for AbbVie!

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