JUST TOOK SALES ASSESSMENT TEST - and guess what, I did not score high enough. Ok so what does that mean? It took only an hour to hear back from recruiter. I took a very similar test yesterday and passed with flying colors. I did not change how I would answer situational questions or questions about my personality as pertains to the workplace. I have 10+ years as a Sales Professional and/or Manager, though not in Pharm Sales. The recruiter for their part thought I was a nice fit and commented to that effect when calling to give me the bad news. I did not take the news personally - I took it professionally. I will make 2 points and leave it at this: (1) Assessment Tests are not right/wrong - if you are honest you can fail - or - pass. I can only assume based on my responses that this company wants a rep that can be, in some form or another, micro-managed from afar. I personally believe in allowing some room for independence on a sales team. Good reps build and nurture a consultative selling approach & genuinely care about the client's needs and concerns to form a longterm professional relationship. I believe you need a solid sales rep who is knowledgeable, confident, can make decisions, ethical, trustworthy, works well with others, responds in a timely manner to inquiries, and closes deals. That's me! Sad in this situation because I have a huge healthcare/pharm client base in place from my past sales positions. (2) The recruiter who called me was 10 mins late to my phone appointment - I called in on time and called back 3x to see if they remembered my phone interview. I waited another 5 mins for a callback. That was ok and I let it go. HOWEVER, they interrupted our phone interview 2x to take other calls. Now that sent up a red flag to me right away. But I still took the assessment and voila! Here we are. So was it a good thing that I did not pass? You be the judge. I respect companies that respect my time and are courteous to all job applicants. Good luck to those moving forward with this company. I thought it would have been a nice fit personally. But that's just how the cookie crumbles.