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Indy Star seeks to speak with Lilly reps (and former reps)

The pharmaceutical in general is rampant with this type of behavior and shady behavior in general. Just look at Pfizer's multi million dollar for reps going to FDA. I know of reps that still have the "video tape" trying to promote Zyprexa for dementia in nursing homes. Breaking pharma code goes on still to a big extent and especially if you are in the good ol' boy club. Several of the managers, including regionals, looked the other way as long as numbers were there.

Syracuse, NY, April 1, 2005, Dr. Saad Sobhy. Nobody cares.

Keep reading looks like the Inventiv Xigris reps for Lilly are getting the boot tomorrow, they are under contract until Feb so I am sure there will be a lot of postings after tomorrow.

Hi John,

Former Lilly employee here albeit not in sales.

My experience during my time with the company over a decade ago, which has been reinforced in the years since, is that Lilly was/is/always will be, a festering inbred cesspool of cronyism and nepotism, where people with the right connections are hired and promoted over people with real talent and ability.

Thankfully I moved on to bigger and better and am now well positioned in one of the few growth areas of the industry with one of the Real big guns.

In short I am unashamedly enjoying some Shadenfreude watching the demise of this corrupt company and am looking forward to seeing the resumes of those pompous overpaid useless peacocks crossing my desk in the years ahead.

Suffice to say they will be going straight in the bin!

Hi John,

Former Lilly employee here albeit not in sales.

My experience during my time with the company over a decade ago, which has been reinforced in the years since, is that Lilly was/is/always will be, a festering inbred cesspool of cronyism and nepotism, where people with the right connections are hired and promoted over people with real talent and ability.

Thankfully I moved on to bigger and better and am now well positioned in one of the few growth areas of the industry with one of the Real big guns.

In short I am unashamedly enjoying some Shadenfreude watching the demise of this corrupt company and am looking forward to seeing the resumes of those pompous overpaid useless peacocks crossing my desk in the years ahead.

Suffice to say they will be going straight in the bin!

I share the same feeling about this company. Also my situation is similar to yours. A group of incompetent management and ordinary employee will run this ship right to the ground, before that point they only have pride, pride and pride. The peacocks only know: "We're the best, we're the best, and we're always the best."

I share the same feeling about this company. Also my situation is similar to yours. A group of incompetent management and ordinary employee will run this ship right to the ground, before that point they only have pride, pride and pride. The peacocks only know: "We're the best, we're the best, and we're always the best."


And as the old saying goes "Pride cometh before the Fall"

And the idiots at Lilly that still believe the company propaganda that they are the best are in for one heck of a fall. Still on the upside they might be able to get some cheap generic prozac.


And as the old saying goes "Pride cometh before the Fall"

And the idiots at Lilly that still believe the company propaganda that they are the best are in for one heck of a fall. Still on the upside they might be able to get some cheap generic prozac.

We not proud. We're just better than everyone else.

John: Lilly is not doing well. The goal is to buy drugs that will make a quick buck. The new statin that was purchased is one example. Lilly is buying drugs outside therapeutic areas in order to get quick money. Outsourcing will continue in both sales and medical. Medical will see significant cuts; research has been tainted and will be uncovered within the next year. Even though John L is trying to deal with integrity issues, those who have created the issues remain and continue to do desperate things to keep their jobs. One study was outsourced to at least 3 or 4 different companies. Data from the study were analyzed by a statistician who does not speak english well. The results were viewed by only one person who spun the results to meet his needs (to keep his job). These results will be published soon and then expect damage control. There is a lot more but people in sales and in medical are afraid to speak. Some will do more than blackball you. Threats have been made to protect "integrity." Not by John L but by mid level managers desperate to keep those who know too much quiet. I am speaking from experience. Good luck.

John: Lilly is not doing well. The goal is to buy drugs that will make a quick buck. The new statin that was purchased is one example. Lilly is buying drugs outside therapeutic areas in order to get quick money. Outsourcing will continue in both sales and medical. Medical will see significant cuts; research has been tainted and will be uncovered within the next year. Even though John L is trying to deal with integrity issues, those who have created the issues remain and continue to do desperate things to keep their jobs. One study was outsourced to at least 3 or 4 different companies. Data from the study were analyzed by a statistician who does not speak english well. The results were viewed by only one person who spun the results to meet his needs (to keep his job). These results will be published soon and then expect damage control. There is a lot more but people in sales and in medical are afraid to speak. Some will do more than blackball you. Threats have been made to protect "integrity." Not by John L but by mid level managers desperate to keep those who know too much quiet. I am speaking from experience. Good luck.

Exactly! Lilly has lots of problems, deep and troubled. All the good things will be gone soon. The balloned prosperity and good things are based on the those problems with blinded eyes, then suddenly, they have to open their eyes since there will be a loud 'Pong' when the ship runs to the ground.

Good luck everybody.

John: Lilly is not doing well. The goal is to buy drugs that will make a quick buck. The new statin that was purchased is one example. Lilly is buying drugs outside therapeutic areas in order to get quick money. Outsourcing will continue in both sales and medical. Medical will see significant cuts; research has been tainted and will be uncovered within the next year. Even though John L is trying to deal with integrity issues, those who have created the issues remain and continue to do desperate things to keep their jobs. One study was outsourced to at least 3 or 4 different companies. Data from the study were analyzed by a statistician who does not speak english well. The results were viewed by only one person who spun the results to meet his needs (to keep his job). These results will be published soon and then expect damage control. There is a lot more but people in sales and in medical are afraid to speak. Some will do more than blackball you. Threats have been made to protect "integrity." Not by John L but by mid level managers desperate to keep those who know too much quiet. I am speaking from experience. Good luck.

and the pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles....John L is no one's fool, he owns the towns only diamond mine......Ramona come closer shut tightly your mouth on this dataaaaa.....

John here. You must mean Sam Molloy?

John ---

The article in 1/17/2010's Star was a good start. I sincerely hope, however, that Keith Fourcade can get a new job, even a better job, down in the Bayou State.... I hope that the illumination of the issues discussed in last week's online editions will help -- more than hurt those quoted.

Keep up the good work and continue to network with RELIABLE sources for credible information.

John, one of the Lilly senior managers looked at me, and he poked out his tongue, and he put his thumbs on his ears and waggled his fingers around and he said nah nah nah nah...tell him to stop John, do please, go on now!

Any info on who Lilly is planning to sell Xigris to? Although Inventiv still selling Xigris, they've been put on a month to month extension until end of May. Sounds like Lilly is selling it and wants them around until the deal closes. Any info on this?

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