Indivior may be the worst company in the Pharmaceutical Industry!

These diversity chats are a ruse. Granted we have diversity in field sales leadership but it is sparse across the field. Has anyone ever looked at the trend of blacks at the home office? especially black women. Well educated and successful women have chosen to leave.

Crazy example. There are two married employees having an office affair in the open no less. The woman having the affair planned a baby shower for the man and people showed up with gifts to congratulate him. The affair was so disruptive to the employee reporting to the woman involved she went to others to speak about it and was told not to worry about it or get involved. She left shortly thereafter and was labeled an under performer.

Interesting enough the woman having the affair is white and the women who left was black.

Good luck with the diversity chats. These things need to happen when a company WANTS to change and is NOT TOLD it has to change.

Get out and vote!

Indivior is very simply a racist company. The % of white men in key leadership roles is evident of that. There were only two women on the EC. One was let go for having ethics and morals and other the ex CEO got tired of having as a play toy. The current CEO is as racist as them come and company is a joke. Absolutely zero discussion on systemic racism and no comment on the murder of George Floyd or BLM movement other than "we are looking into it". And by the way, there are just as many white women here who are as racist as the men. Sickening.

PLEASE stop screaming racism! STOP being the victim and accomplish something for once. No one cares what color you are if you achieve goals. YOU are the racist because you make it THE issue.

PLEASE stop screaming racism! STOP being the victim and accomplish something for once. No one cares what color you are if you achieve goals. YOU are the racist because you make it THE issue.

Spoken just like a true racist working in the comfort of a racist company. Your level of stupidity is only surpassed by your level of ignorance. Like the good ole white boy leadership team just keep deflecting and denying the truth about yourself. What a pathetic and sad life you live. Well done trumpy boy. I will pray for you. Imagine that, a minority praying for a you never thought that day would come in your pampered world of whiteness. still I pray for sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. .

Spoken just like a true racist working in the comfort of a racist company. Your level of stupidity is only surpassed by your level of ignorance. Like the good ole white boy leadership team just keep deflecting and denying the truth about yourself. What a pathetic and sad life you live. Well done trumpy boy. I will pray for you. Imagine that, a minority praying for a you never thought that day would come in your pampered world of whiteness. still I pray for sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. .

“Pampered world of whiteness” I don’t think I’ve laughed any harder

Spoken just like a true racist working in the comfort of a racist company. Your level of stupidity is only surpassed by your level of ignorance. Like the good ole white boy leadership team just keep deflecting and denying the truth about yourself. What a pathetic and sad life you live. Well done trumpy boy. I will pray for you. Imagine that, a minority praying for a you never thought that day would come in your pampered world of whiteness. still I pray for sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. .
please forgive us miss tubman

Reading through these posts I am so thankful I declined the role at Indivior. This most recent remark mentioning H Tubman is without question the most insensitive post I have ever read on this site. It seems that type of behavior is standard and rampant at that company. So glad I chose a company that actually demonstrates moral and ethical values. Can only imagine how challenging it must be for those who have to work with the person who posted that ugly remark.