India- Why are American jobs moved?

It’s around more than a year now. If nothing has happened so far, it clearly indicates that top management is not giving a shi.* about it. Surprising though, as Novartis was considered high in terms of its culture which is highly polluted under Bharti.

When the Coronavirus hits India and there is no more quality or network support then the Swiss can see how much their penny pinching paid off the stock will tank especially once word gets out that all the acitive is coming from China

There are many unethical practices also being followed under CA, but the entire function is new and so as HR, who will report to whom.
Novartis has become the worst ever company to work with lately. Recent restructuring brought all from Hyderabad mostly, who are extremely incapable but they are being hired just because US Pharma is 1.5 years delayed to finalise the structure by the incapable VP hired who has no significant success path in her career.
Wondering if higher management is blinded to see it through.
A female minority does not to be talented per se to advance in our politically correct world.

When the Coronavirus hits India and there is no more quality or network support then the Swiss can see how much their penny pinching paid off the stock will tank especially once word gets out that all the acitive is coming from China

stock already took a near 7% dive today. big test incoming on the last 3-years of uptrend. doubt it will hold when all markets under massive selling pressure.

feel the fear.

Being Politically correct should not suffices the requirements. Leadership team has no mind to what is important for the company? Seriously?

no action will be taken. These inefficient folks will keep on getting roles from India to the US, a month trend of new hires in CA are 60% Indians and specially in one group which is 99.99999% Indians. They do not care of diversity and inclusion of Novartis at all. NOVARTIS!!!! Wake the heck up!!!

Between Novartis pinching pennies in China and Indian as well as corrupt South American countries it shows they don’t care about people just profit. So what if the active has traces of carcinogenic compounds and the government’s reject basic human rights and hygiene if it’s cheaper that’s all they care about, heli hitler to the continuation of a legitimized third reich.

Day drink much? It’s Very serious how they are outsourcing jobs to India from Americans that have been with the company for decades and built it up to the success it is now. Just a matter of time before Indian contractors with no stake in the company run it into the ground. Great job Novartis!

How’s commercial deceleration going? Go india team still hiring and promoting each other? It’s pathetic this company’s HR let hydrabadly indians to continue this shit. No wonder the reputation of this company is so shitty.