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Looks like this place is getting what decent Onc reps are left from Eisai. After this air-rade, the only thing that is going to be left is laid off reps from other companies coming aboard, MOB's pc reps moving up, and the leftover hacks who aren't good enough to get out of Eisai.


Looks like this place is getting what decent Onc reps are left from Eisai. After this air-rade, the only thing that is going to be left is laid off reps from other companies coming aboard, MOB's pc reps moving up, and the leftover hacks who aren't good enough to get out of Eisai.

That’s the Eisai model! Hasn’t it just worked perfectly so far…

Looks like this place is getting what decent Onc reps are left from Eisai. After this air-rade, the only thing that is going to be left is laid off reps from other companies coming aboard, MOB's pc reps moving up, and the leftover hacks who aren't good enough to get out of Eisai.

That is sufficient to address the "caretaker" objective of managing the decline. You don't need talent when the only goal is to manage expenses and the downward trend. Warm bodies will suffice.

Does anyone - those still at the company or the departed - really care what happens at Eisai? This is a failed organization.

It's just cheap entertainment. How a few people, LC, OB, DT, can screw up so bad and then place blame on the reps. Everyone there in a leadership level deserves what is coming to them.

A trained seal could have run this company during the Aricept and Aciphex days. Mr Naito should realize that decisions made by upper management was poor at best and should have taken action two years ago. HHC down the drain, you should not quote this if you don't live it.

Looks like this place is getting what decent Onc reps are left from Eisai. After this air-rade, the only thing that is going to be left is laid off reps from other companies coming aboard, MOB's pc reps moving up, and the leftover hacks who aren't good enough to get out of Eisai.

Opt out here. Reading Eisai posts is SOOOOOO entertaining!

Great friend and colleague of mine just received their offer from Incyte and the base salary rage is $145K to $155K plus $60K at plan...there you have it Eisai, the market rate for top talent...and you thought $120K was outrageous for a rep…have fun wallowing with less than mediocre talent…

Great friend and colleague of mine just received their offer from Incyte and the base salary rage is $145K to $155K plus $60K at plan...there you have it Eisai, the market rate for top talent...and you thought $120K was outrageous for a rep…have fun wallowing with less than mediocre talent…

your numbers for bases and bonus are incorrect.

Try 110K-140K and a bonus of 40k at plan. Either way it is better than this dump.

OK. Fair enough. No one that I know who is interviewing with Incyte is making less than $130K base at their current job so when talking to them and my former manager who is there, I’m guessing they weren’t throwing out the lowest end of the range and they did confirm that major metros and big academic experience will carry higher bases than smaller rural/community geography’s. I can’t imagine they are hiring anyone who is at the low end as I understand it they are targeting a lot of DNA people who all have bases in the $130-$140 range. Just got off the phone with my friend and he was offered $150K base up from the $135K he was making and he did confirm that the IC target at plan was $50K plus $10K in other bonus/contests. That is where the recruiter I spoke with must have gotten the $60K. Like you said either way it is better than Eisai. Just glad I’m not stuck at the Shole of a company!

Incyte will promote drugs off-label, no doubt. Valerie N. the former Dacogen marketing person went to Incyte.

If I were any rep at Incyte, I would collect all off-label marketing materials, then file a whistle-blower case as Keeler did.

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