The poster regarding being a single parent has a valid point and it's understandable. As is the person with religious beliefs. However, with the whining I've been hearing aroind Sunday travel I'm not getting the impression they are the exception not the rule. Most people just feel pissed for having to work or travel outside of their cushy 9-5 M-F job. And my counter to that is this shouldnt be considered that type of job. We are salaried employees is Sales. I've often done work outside of the 9-5 time frame. We do not punch a clock people and will be asked to do extras from time to time. I don't have an issue with it because it's also the exception and not the rule. I also realize as sales people we do have a some flexibility to get something done during the day that most people do not. Don't act all holier than thou and claim you've never done something personal on company time. So sick it up buttercup, put your big boy/girl panties on and do your job!
With all the time wasted today we could have easily flew in on Monday and covered the exact same amount of material. You want to really save money KK? How about we skip all the BS night events and long breaks. Take your Vyvanse and stay focused. Work 8-5 M-Th. give us the standard per Diem for dinner on our own and you could save lots of money including a extra night hotel.
This is a time management issue. There is no reason to work weekends or nights other than the occasional dinner program. This is an easy job. If you are working outside 8-5 you are in the wrong business or work for a complete moron.