Wake up. Shire doesn't care about you or your religious beliefs.
Grow up! Plenty of business people have to travel on Sundays. We have an "office day" on Friday. Do you really think there is going to be a full day's worth of work to do? I'm sure it's a mostly a gimme. Quit whining.
Grow up! Plenty of business people have to travel on Sundays. We have an "office day" on Friday. Do you really think there is going to be a full day's worth of work to do? I'm sure it's a mostly a gimme. Quit whining.
What does growing up have to do with one's religious beliefs? Many people believe that no work is to be done on Sunday (or Saturday depending on the religion). Just because you and I may not have this belief, telling someone who does to "quit whining" is just ignorant. Shire could have easily had everyone travel in at their leisure on Sunday. There is no reason to have a work function or other mandatory meetings on Sunday night. Regardless of my religious beliefs, I agree with the original poster on this
These posters make me realize how sheltered people who have only worked in pharma can be. I used to have 6:30am sales meetings every Monday and Friday. I used to have to help out our service employees at 4 or 5 am. Trust me this job is a cake walk compared to that. And we make very good money. How often are we asked to do this? Once or twice a year? People in the real business world would laugh at the posts on these cafe pharma pages.
We are not hourly employees. We are salaried. So while some may work less than 40 hours per week just as many may work many more than 40 hours per week. This is not a punch the clock 9-5 job. So no, I don't complain when I am asked to do something outside of the normal work week hours. We all know we have a certain about if flexibility in our shedules that most people aren't afforded in the jobs. So yes, quit complaining. I'm not a fan of this leadership whatsoever but the whining on this board makes me think I work with a bunch of grade schoolers as opposed to grown professionals.
Hope they remember we are not hourly employees when I stop starting my day at 8 and ending it at 5. Do you think KK will mention how flexible our schedule is or that some worked against their religious beliefs when I am in the field 10-2 or she runs into me at the gym at 4?? Nope. They will preach the "8-5" BS. Don't call the job flexible or salaried unless it really goes both ways.
These posters make me realize how sheltered people who have only worked in pharma can be. I used to have 6:30am sales meetings every Monday and Friday. I used to have to help out our service employees at 4 or 5 am. Trust me this job is a cake walk compared to that. And we make very good money. How often are we asked to do this? Once or twice a year? People in the real business world would laugh at the posts on these cafe pharma pages.
Best reply. Pharma, in all areas, are vastly coddled and sheltered.
Sounds from the tone that the OP is the type always threatening to go to HR, run to EEOC or ADA or whatever fit. We know the type. They are not successful on organic merit and never will be with that kind of mindset.
If you don't like the laws change them. But don't get mad because someone challenges you or makes you follow them. Who cares how many hours you worked at your last CHOSEN job. Op may have chose this job based on it not interfering with their religious beliefs. Maybe they asked that in the interview? Regardless it doesn't make you any better than them because you have different moral beliefs or have a life that allows you to work on weekends. It has nothing to do with work ethic or results. Op could be a multiple PC winner. Lets hang and crucify anyone who believes anything different from us.Best reply. Pharma, in all areas, are vastly coddled and sheltered.
Sounds from the tone that the OP is the type always threatening to go to HR, run to EEOC or ADA or whatever fit. We know the type. They are not successful on organic merit and never will be with that kind of mindset.
Best reply. Pharma, in all areas, are vastly coddled and sheltered.
Sounds from the tone that the OP is the type always threatening to go to HR, run to EEOC or ADA or whatever fit. We know the type. They are not successful on organic merit and never will be with that kind of mindset.
Sounds like you are a person that may need HR called. "We know the type" really?
Do you know many 8:30-5 employees that have the salary/bonus and benefits that we do? This is not an 8-5 job - if you treat it that way (on a regular basis) you will not be successful.
Quit whining and realize how good we have it.
Best reply. Pharma, in all areas, are vastly coddled and sheltered.
Sounds from the tone that the OP is the type always threatening to go to HR, run to EEOC or ADA or whatever fit. We know the type. They are not successful on organic merit and never will be with that kind of mindset.
oP said it was inconsiderate. Not illegal. Your mindset and tone comes accross as very "sheltered".
The poster regarding being a single parent has a valid point and it's understandable. As is the person with religious beliefs. However, with the whining I've been hearing aroind Sunday travel I'm not getting the impression they are the exception not the rule. Most people just feel pissed for having to work or travel outside of their cushy 9-5 M-F job. And my counter to that is this shouldnt be considered that type of job. We are salaried employees is Sales. I've often done work outside of the 9-5 time frame. We do not punch a clock people and will be asked to do extras from time to time. I don't have an issue with it because it's also the exception and not the rule. I also realize as sales people we do have a some flexibility to get something done during the day that most people do not. Don't act all holier than thou and claim you've never done something personal on company time. So sick it up buttercup, put your big boy/girl panties on and do your job!