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In Person Launch Meeting

Let’s be real, an in person launch is best as it allows for comradeship and best conveys an air of excitement and optimism. Sorry but the passion meter has never gotten above 3 on a zoom. Are there risks, sure but there is risk in everything we do. Get vaccinated and stop worrying.

Fact: 3 people in my family who were vaccinated are positive with Delta. It is caused by all of you clowns working in MEDICINE refusing to vaccinate b/c you’re clown X President told you not to. The only one in the hospital is the one who like you called it a joke. I hope you all get it (not due, just get it) as karma.

Fact: the only thing the vaccines do is to lessen the severity of your symptoms if you contract Covid. If you are vaccinated, you can still get it and you can still spread it just like an un-vaccinated person.

Fact: the only thing the vaccines do is to lessen the severity of your symptoms if you contract Covid. If you are vaccinated, you can still get it and you can still spread it just like an un-vaccinated person.
You ignorant slut. It’s true that the vaccines are not 100% effective but to see efficacy in the 90s range is outstanding it’s like having an ironclad bulletproof vest that covers 95% of your body. Could some bullets still get in, yes. You are right in that the symptoms and the chance of dying from Covid if you’re vaccinated is significantly lower. The bigger picture and one that makes you an ignorant slut is the fact that you cannot infect somebody else if you are not infected. Guess what the vaccine prevents you from getting infected. What a fucking moron

You ignorant slut. It’s true that the vaccines are not 100% effective but to see efficacy in the 90s range is outstanding it’s like having an ironclad bulletproof vest that covers 95% of your body. Could some bullets still get in, yes. You are right in that the symptoms and the chance of dying from Covid if you’re vaccinated is significantly lower. The bigger picture and one that makes you an ignorant slut is the fact that you cannot infect somebody else if you are not infected. Guess what the vaccine prevents you from getting infected. What a fucking moron

Wow! This cannot be any dumber. Talk about moronic…
Your very first sentence, you admit that “the vaccines aren’t 100% effective”. And then your last sentence b4 your childish name calling of whomever you were talking to, states “the vaccine prevents you from getting infected”.
Can you seriously not see that someone may still get infected if the vaccine isn’t 100% effective? And that it would actually need to be 100% effective to prevent everyone from getting infected?
If you’re going to spout off and call people names like an ignorant slut and moron, you might want to make sure you aren’t one first, bc anyone that a moron thinks is a moron, is actually pretty smart.

The company is taking a huge risk by having this meeting right now. Yes probably most of us have had the vaccine, but if people do contract it at their meeting the company will have reps out of the field during the first days of a launch. In my opinion, not worth the risk.

The company is taking a huge risk by having this meeting right now. Yes probably most of us have had the vaccine, but if people do contract it at their meeting the company will have reps out of the field during the first days of a launch. In my opinion, not worth the risk.
Snowflake who is afraid of living. If you're vaccinated it is time to go to an in-person national meeting! We have too many snowflakes in the sales force.

You ignorant slut. It’s true that the vaccines are not 100% effective but to see efficacy in the 90s range is outstanding it’s like having an ironclad bulletproof vest that covers 95% of your body. Could some bullets still get in, yes. You are right in that the symptoms and the chance of dying from Covid if you’re vaccinated is significantly lower. The bigger picture and one that makes you an ignorant slut is the fact that you cannot infect somebody else if you are not infected. Guess what the vaccine prevents you from getting infected. What a fucking moron

I knew you would come back with an emotional and baseless argument. Except for the fact that I may have been a bit morally loose back in my early twenties, you just don't know what you are talking about. You can most certainly be infected by Covid if you are vaccinated, your symptoms will generally be milder or not even present. You can still contract and spread it, even if you are asymptomatic. This is the problem in this country- most have the wrong facts given to them by their favorite media channel ( often times this is intentional) and they adhere to this like a religion. Your religion cannot be questioned, and you are simply not open to the possibility of being wrong. Which you are in this case. Except, again, about the part of me dating around a lot back in the day. I will say that calling me a slut twice in one paragraph was a bit much.

I knew you would come back with an emotional and baseless argument. Except for the fact that I may have been a bit morally loose back in my early twenties, you just don't know what you are talking about. You can most certainly be infected by Covid if you are vaccinated, your symptoms will generally be milder or not even present. You can still contract and spread it, even if you are asymptomatic. This is the problem in this country- most have the wrong facts given to them by their favorite media channel ( often times this is intentional) and they adhere to this like a religion. Your religion cannot be questioned, and you are simply not open to the possibility of being wrong. Which you are in this case. Except, again, about the part of me dating around a lot back in the day. I will say that calling me a slut twice in one paragraph was a bit much.
Asymptomatic transmission is very rare. You are the unfortunate one, as in this case you have remained incorrect. I wonder why the CDC just changed it's guidance on using PCR as a diagnosis tool?

no one is trying to scare anyone. People are getting sicker than sh**|+}! and it is completely avoidable. If someone had the flu, would you be having them go to a meeting? No, you wouldn’t! All of this has been so politicized that all rational has gone out of the window. And check your facts. There are people who have been vaccinated who now have Covid who are in the hospital.

Agree. There are a few losers on here disrespecting everyone. I cannot believe they were hired. I can’t wait to go to a good company again!

So your telling me that you have a spouse in the hospital and you are on Cafepharma posting stuff about a meeting your not going to because you are so sick.. you said WE in your sentence so I assume you have it as well. You are the biggest asshole ever being on here posting or your full of shit.

Manager here. I have 2 people with confirmed cases who were vaccinated. The fact that any of you are name calling makes me sick. If I hear who this is, you are gone.

You are SO ignorant. Cant believe you work in healthcare.Try educating yourself. My best friend in WHC is positive and she was vaccinated! She is very sick!
Sorry to hear about your friend. Thank God she was vaccinated because if she is “very sick” , she might have been dead. Know your facts. If you are vaccinated you avoid Severe illness, not Covid. It’s now become the pandemic of the stupid. A big Republican embarrassment that those Dope leaders can’t bring themselves to admit. Get vaccinated and stop Delta from creating a new variant that could potentially come for the kids. We’ve been lucky so far in that regard. We will know exactly who to blame if the red states keep denying science.

Sorry to hear about your friend. Thank God she was vaccinated because if she is “very sick” , she might have been dead. Know your facts. If you are vaccinated you avoid Severe illness, not Covid. It’s now become the pandemic of the stupid. A big Republican embarrassment that those Dope leaders can’t bring themselves to admit. Get vaccinated and stop Delta from creating a new variant that could potentially come for the kids. We’ve been lucky so far in that regard. We will know exactly who to blame if the red states keep denying science.

Truth!! People need these facts. Do your part and get the vaccine!

Sorry to hear about your friend. Thank God she was vaccinated because if she is “very sick” , she might have been dead. Know your facts. If you are vaccinated you avoid Severe illness, not Covid. It’s now become the pandemic of the stupid. A big Republican embarrassment that those Dope leaders can’t bring themselves to admit. Get vaccinated and stop Delta from creating a new variant that could potentially come for the kids. We’ve been lucky so far in that regard. We will know exactly who to blame if the red states keep denying science.
Stop blaming all Republicans! There are 20% of them that are doing the right thing. The rest are just sad and angry because they are being lied to and misled and just can’t admit it. Blame them.

Asymptomatic transmission is very rare. You are the unfortunate one, as in this case you have remained incorrect. I wonder why the CDC just changed it's guidance on using PCR as a diagnosis tool?

What a moron. You have no data or proof to back up your claims, just the implications being spoon-fed to you.
I will repeat: the covid vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus. All they do is to lessen the severity of your symptoms ( yes they may save your life by doing so).

Do you know why the CDC revoked the use of that PCR test? Because they admitted it was inaccurate and could not distinguish between covid-19 and the flu, amongst other coronaviruses. Ever wonder why there was 0 flu out there over the last year? It was all coming up as Covid-19 in those tests.

What a moron. You have no data or proof to back up your claims, just the implications being spoon-fed to you.
I will repeat: the covid vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus. All they do is to lessen the severity of your symptoms ( yes they may save your life by doing so).

Do you know why the CDC revoked the use of that PCR test? Because they admitted it was inaccurate and could not distinguish between covid-19 and the flu, amongst other coronaviruses. Ever wonder why there was 0 flu out there over the last year? It was all coming up as Covid-19 in those tests.
So with 0 flu, doesn't that prove that Co-vid isn't running as rampant as everyone thought? A huge portion of the cases were influenza...

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