In Memoriam

Agree with the above post.

Listing peoples names anonymously not ok.
Typical disgruntled anonymous warrior stuff.

also agree with the poster who references that many employees are supportive and happy with the organization and its leadership.
Huh? Who said it’s a breach of ethics based on what standards? It’s lame. You’re lame. Hands down, lame. And you’re a jack ass. Leave people alone and off anonymous gossip sites.
You seem very frustrated and angry. This could be because you lack the vocabulary to express yourself fully. Only education can help with the language problem but you might benefit from program that can help you manage your anger. Our benefits provide access to several EAP programs that focus on mood moderation and conflict resolution. You should check them out before CP triggers you again.
Lame to post people’s names. Leave them alone.
I agree but what’s scary is the person who posted this is most likely at another company where they are slowly creating rot from the inside out. Time to take a closer look at the idiots that are hired to run organizations.
I agree, has to be an outside agitator. Biotronik only homes happy, well-adjusted, loyal employees that would never ever turn on their masters (ahem) sorry, employer.
Why the fascination about this stupid lawsuit? Suits are filed, litigated and settled everyday. Bio will settle if it must and life will go on.
Unlike Abbott, Max can’t tap into an unlimited well of investor cash to pay off lawsuits. Eventually one of these suits will break Bio’s back for good in the US either directly or indirectly by making liability insurance unattainable. Fortunately for the owner, the distributorship model insulates the manufacturer from the bad deeds of the sales division. Not so fortunate for any of us who may end up being sacrificed to pay off the aggrieved party.
Unlike Abbott, Max can’t tap into an unlimited well of investor cash to pay off lawsuits. Eventually one of these suits will break Bio’s back for good in the US either directly or indirectly by making liability insurance unattainable. Fortunately for the owner, the distributorship model insulates the manufacturer from the bad deeds of the sales division. Not so fortunate for any of us who may end up being sacrificed to pay off the aggrieved party.

Max is a billionaire moron. Unlimited cash
Unlike Abbott, Max can’t tap into an unlimited well of investor cash to pay off lawsuits. Eventually one of these suits will break Bio’s back for good in the US either directly or indirectly by making liability insurance unattainable. Fortunately for the owner, the distributorship model insulates the manufacturer from the bad deeds of the sales division. Not so fortunate for any of us who may end up being sacrificed to pay off the aggrieved party.

Another graduate of the Rudy Giuliani School of Law has an opinion