IMS Purchases SDI

Glad you guys are so positive. I for one has not been so lucky and it has been long long time and unemployment has run out. I guess if you want to work for home depot there is a job out there......

Unfortunately, if you have SDI on your resume, you are not really considered a desirable candidate in the industry. SDI (and Verispan) never had a great reputation for having any real talent that you would want to target. A bunch of drones that took orders, but ultimately the founders made all the decisions on the business. Expand your horizons...look beyond the other dinosaurs in the industry (WK, TargetRx, ImpactRx) who are also declining or on the market.

and that is why you have to look outside this market. IMS has survived and has been profitable without patient level data for a long time. The need/value for patient level data is not there anymore. Don't listen to the hype SDI has been spewing out. Those of you that are banking on still having jobs with IMS should know that if you are lucky enough to survive it will be in a completely different role. Take your skills into a different industry.

Good idea.......but even headhunters are a waste. What industries would consider someone from a declining industry like pharma? I know someone in sales ops and another in marketing and few if anyone wants to talk to them.

whack, whack, whack....your 2010 bonus!

I think all of you should be happy you're going to lose your jobs. Getting laid off was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm in a MUCH better company now than you terds. Anyone who ever built an empire sat right where...........................just watch Up in the Air. It'll be good "prep" work for you and a nice peek into your future. GOOD LUCK SUCKERS HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

I am so glad that I wasn't there during the time of the sale. I was let go back in 2008 and I was the main lead manager for the I.T. Depart and my Ragas was afraid of me because I challenged his business decisions and was going down the wrong path. He wanted ass kissers and anyone that challenged him was let go. Paulette Bree had less brains than a wet paper bag and she was one the down falls of the company. I know that no one cares about this now but I am so glad that things worked out for me. If I ever see these two idiots I would beat the shit of them.

I am so glad that I wasn't there during the time of the sale. I was let go back in 2008 and I was the main lead manager for the I.T. Depart and my Ragas was afraid of me because I challenged his business decisions and was going down the wrong path. He wanted ass kissers and anyone that challenged him was let go. Paulette Bree had less brains than a wet paper bag and she was one the down falls of the company. I know that no one cares about this now but I am so glad that things worked out for me. If I ever see these two idiots I would beat the shit of them.

Andrew Richardson actually orchestrated that entire sequence. That guy was always about himself and no one else.