IMS Purchases SDI

As an IMS employee and ex sdi, I know we won't keep many from sdi. Most are bloated idiots. Not looking forward to working we with them again. Luckily it won't be for long.

the only good thing so far is the ass Papa Kress won't be around anymore. Junior Kress looked like hell but I'm sure his bank account is doing ok after all of this. Now if we could just eliminate the sdi hr group everything will go smooth. start with PB at the top. she will
no longer have to stick her head up AK's arse.

All SDI people should be pooping bricks this weekend, and rightfully so. The funny thing is, is that 80% of the people posting on this site the last 2 years have been crying how bad this company sucks, yet you STILL work there and then when you get your walking papers, which WILL happen, I will be laughing my butt all the way till the last SDI employee is gone. I bet people are working on their resumes RIGHT NOW :)


All SDI people should be pooping bricks this weekend, and rightfully so. The funny thing is, is that 80% of the people posting on this site the last 2 years have been crying how bad this company sucks, yet you STILL work there and then when you get your walking papers, which WILL happen, I will be laughing my butt all the way till the last SDI employee is gone. I bet people are working on their resumes RIGHT NOW :)


you must be part of the 20%ers that have been carrying the piss jar for the Kress family for years

All will be just fine. The Kress family will guide us through this sale and fight for our jobs, benefits and systems. HR will be be there for all of us. No worries be happy!

The kresses have little control now. The vc owned much of sdi after the verispan purchase. Also lost share after missing numbers for two years. They will be in the caribbean in two months.

Andrew cashed out while he could still get something. Do you really think he'll be there after the next 12 months??? 50% headcount reductions coming, starting with all of the overpriced and ineffective management team.

patient is to nuclear as tracking is to bomb...
Kress' legacy has been written (justifiably with cash)

It is out there, like it or not -any of us could replicate the PD logic, but we respect Gerry and Andrew as the pioneers. Those patents are moving with Andrew. Many of us will move on - willingly, as SDI was a growth oriented company - ims is not so innovative, but rather it grows through acquisitions. These are very different talent profiles. I've been 'grounded' into the ground; unless ims suddenly transformed itself into an innovative analytic engine. Personally, TRx = widgits; that isn't very exciting. Show me the people; now I'm starting to glance over at the metrics. Longitudinally connect the data across channels, now you've got me at a professional level - and maybe I could participate. Continue the bureaucratic business as usual, you've got dirt - pound sand in triplicate. But innovate and allow for creative expansion, ims could become a principal/partner with me and my SDI abilities and talents. That would be ideal - stay tuned for more...(else, catch me if you can...there is more than one way track a patient...)

So glad the axxholes will be out....even more glad it will start with JR, allcott, liberate and Patterso. They have burned so many bridges, many will be glad to endorse them....maybe they can clean cesspools...that's all they are worth anyway!

It's likely those axxholes who can't sleep now that they know their jobs are gone....I guess it's true, payback IS A BITCH! Just remember, you guys have a TWO YEAR non compete! TWO YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about all those Scott-Levin jokers that always used to bash IMS everyday for their lack of service and poor data. Probably spent the weekend putting together their new spin for their new bosses about how great an organization IMS is....haha. A bunch of ass-kissing, low level managers that are clueless and are about to find out how a real company is run.

It's likely those axxholes who can't sleep now that they know their jobs are gone....I guess it's true, payback IS A BITCH! Just remember, you guys have a TWO YEAR non compete! TWO YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Non-competes are usually unenforceable after a capital event like this. The entity with which they were signed (SDI) no longer exists. IMS won't waste the money fighting them.

Spend the money fighting it......all IMS has to do is get an injunction and you'll spend thousands fighting it. Also keep in mind you were compensated in the form of your qrtly bonus to agree to it......

Besides, where you going to go? WK? They have had financial troubles and have laid off a good number of people. Maybe you can work for Avon and sell Andrew some gel!