IMS EXPOSED: It's Only going To Get Worse!!!

We old farts keep everything! They will come after you on records falsification because they can't fire you on performance. That's an automatic law suit due to the common knowledge that IMS is totally inaccurate and flawed in it's methodology. You younger reps need to keep hard copies of everything because the emails will be purged when they come after you. This old dog will go down fighting when they come after me, which will eventually happen, because I'm old and they don't like old guys or gals. I have enough paper email/memo/work-with ammo to sink this ship.

IMS issues are going to get worse so hang on! It's a total joke and we keep looking at it for rankings??? I can't believe some of the rankings I saw and where many great reps are ranked and many crappy reps are ranked! Hopefully management takes it with a grain of salt because it is comical.

OMG so true. They change baselines like crazy with The bottom line being your scripts have less value.

We old farts keep everything! They will come after you on records falsification because they can't fire you on performance. That's an automatic law suit due to the common knowledge that IMS is totally inaccurate and flawed in it's methodology. You younger reps need to keep hard copies of everything because the emails will be purged when they come after you. This old dog will go down fighting when they come after me, which will eventually happen, because I'm old and they don't like old guys or gals. I have enough paper email/memo/work-with ammo to sink this ship.

Your right old timer! They don't like old guys and gals. We become set in our ways, harder to manage, less flexible, and most of all "more expensive" as we age. But get this, they will fire your ass and there is nothing you can do about it. Got it? I'm old (45) too, and don't like it either, thats just how it works. To those in your third decade you should start working on plan B right now because once you hit 40 NOBODY wants you. I promise. Even if your a talent, they will fire your ass!!! I'm the only person in my 15 member district that's over 40 and I'm literally treated like a fucking grandpa that knows nothing. Funny thing is, I graduated with a 3.85 GPA in finance while playing college atlhletics at a major university, did corporate tax work with E&Y for 8 years, and also write software and java based apps for additional income. I work amongst these communications, sociology, and psychology majors who earnesty think they know more than everyone around them and they all somehow deserve six figures. Makes me laugh how blind some of these kids are.

Gosh if you are so educated and smart why are you a rep?????!!!!
Don't agree on your comment I know of three reps in their mid 40s hired this last year. Yes there are lots of young rep because company was looking to hire cheap....but this has nothing to do with IMS.

Gosh if you are so educated and smart why are you a rep?????!!!!
Don't agree on your comment I know of three reps in their mid 40s hired this last year. Yes there are lots of young rep because company was looking to hire cheap....but this has nothing to do with IMS.

Agreed. And IMS works in Kaiser country.

Gosh if you are so educated and smart why are you a rep?????!!!!
Don't agree on your comment I know of three reps in their mid 40s hired this last year. Yes there are lots of young rep because company was looking to hire cheap....but this has nothing to do with IMS.

Apologize for changing the subject and I hope your right about the age thing, but sadly I have heard managers directly comment (off the record/social settings) that if your not in management by age 40 you "kinda become a target for removal", I suppose they suspect complacency. I do this job because the pay is top notch and the work is very low stress, albeit boring at times.

As for IMS, there is no doubt their formulas are not entirely accurate, the models they use are very solid but the data is quite skewed for a number of reasons. Most importantly, in addition IMS, all pharmas use their own applied statistical models to have some control over payouts, the operative word is control. It's key to remember that you still have the ability to affect your payout to large extent. The difficulty for most achievers comes from the fact that there is not enough "seperation" built into most models that allow for poor performance to be punished, and good performance to be expertly rewarded.

Gosh if you are so educated and smart why are you a rep?????!!!!
Don't agree on your comment I know of three reps in their mid 40s hired this last year. Yes there are lots of young rep because company was looking to hire cheap....but this has nothing to do with IMS.

Apologize for changing the subject and I hope your right about the age thing, but sadly I have heard managers directly comment (off the record/social settings) that if your not in management by age 40 you "kinda become a target for removal", I suppose they suspect complacency. I do this job because the pay is top notch and the work is very low stress, albeit boring at times.

As for IMS, there is no doubt their formulas are not entirely accurate, the models they use are very solid but the data is quite skewed for a number of reasons. Most importantly, in addition to IMS, all pharmas use their own applied statistical models to have some control over payouts, the operative word is control. It's key to remember that you still have the ability to affect your payout to a large extent. The difficulty for most achievers comes from the fact that there is not enough "seperation" built into most models that allow poor performance to be punished, and good performance to be expertly rewarded.