Impact of Federal and State Healthcare Policies on Consumer Costs

G Beasley

Impact of Federal and State Healthcare Policies on Consumer Costs

The Benefits of the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act signed in 2010 impacted the total healthcare system on many levels. Because of the legislated mandate for insurance, the cost of healthcare escalated from the itemized plans made available to the consumer. Although the ACA was regarded as a beneficial plan to the masses, it also caused consumers to pay for medical services they never paid for before while hospitals and other providers avoided costs because of the expanded policies on Medicare and other policy mandates (Gruessner, 2016). In addition, the Affordable Care Act included a larger population pool and extended coverage such as pre-existing conditions and special care coverage. The impact of the Affordable Care Act has positive and negative effects on the consumer.

Positive Impact on Consumers due to Healthcare Policies

The Affordable Care Act has made a positive impact on healthcare policies First, the ACA made coverage available to the majority of individuals by making insurance coverage inclusive to all income levels and others who did not previously qualify. The ACA made it possible for consumers to have choices and to identify costs associated with healthcare coverages. The ACA improved the quality of health insurance, eliminated the lifetime limits on benefits, out of pocket expenses, pre-existing conditions stipulations. Because of the Affordable Care Act, the consumer is the biggest benefactor of the legislation by making possible and affordable to purchase, maintain and apply additional coverages. The entire family benefitted from the Affordable Care Act by expanding coverage beyond the historic cutoff age of 25 years old.

Additional benefits of the ACA include a savings plan centered around healthcare, called the Health Savings Account, also known as, HSA. An HSA is a consumer base plan that provides different selection plans of coverage that is best suited for their needs. The HSA’s are very much like a 401k plan that allows the consumer to a savings plan and if used toward medical expenses, the taxes are deferred. (Coombes, 2017) The advantages of policies such as HSA’s it allows the consumer to be a disciplined and wise shopper when it comes to selecting the appropriate coverage, especially long-term. Federal and State government policies are allowed to be more streamlined, permitting the consumer to make the proper choices and selections without government intervention.

Negative Impact on Consumers due to Healthcare

The Affordable Care Act has many disadvantages and negatives consequences on the consumer. The ACA requires the cancellation of previous individual health insurance policies to government mandated healthcare. (Piper, 2013) Now that the consumers are forced to select their tailored made plans which could include more detail coverage along with higher deductibles and co-pay. The consumer loses out on the new policy through the ACA, although having mandated coverage. In addition, the consumer now pays more out of pocket expenses while being required to maintain government mandated healthcare.

The ACA has had a reverse effect on the healthcare market. While profits may rise with insurers, the cost and expense are passed down to the consumer. Pharmaceutical companies. Long-term care facilities and specialized care situations all profit from the mandated ACA; however, the consumer must now shop around for the best prices and coverages when it comes to prescriptions, facilities and care. Previously, Medicare and Medicaid patients only paid a minimum to nothing in co-pay, however, each State has its only policies regarding government assistance healthcare. This matter has impacted the consumer as coverages have cut or reduced and most facilities do not welcome Medicare/Medicaid patients as the economic return for the care given continue to operate in disparity.


The Affordable Care Act was designed as a universal healthcare plan that would supply insurance coverage to all income levels and almost every individual within the United States. The plan has been less than stellar because the ongoing political jockeying and repeals. The consumer directly benefits from universal healthcare coverage. Coverage that includes expanded specialized treatments, preferred and tailor-made coverages along with policies that allow for savings and spending without taxation.

On the other hand, the consumer has also been impacted by the politics, detail and itemized coverages from the providers, along with reduced benefits and cuts through Medicaid and Medicare. Federal and State laws are always revolving around political viewpoints, thus changing the landscape for consumers who may be restricted through choices and decision making.


Coombes, Andrea Market Watch (August, 2017) HSA Accounts: The Good News and the Bad News

Beasley, G. (2020). Congressional Budget Office: Options for reducing the deficit. Can be found at:

Gruessner, Vera (June, 2016). Healthpayer Intelligence: How the Affordable Care Act Changed the Face of Health Insurance.

Piper, Kip (2013) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. The Affordable Care Act Conundrum: Facing Reality in America's Giant Social Experiment.

I really don’t give a shit anymore. I think national health care should be a right but if people are stupid enough to not vote for their self interests I honestly don’t care anymore. Thinking of moving to EU if Trump gets elected so you asswhipes can do whatever you want. I’m sick of caring about people and the government. I was ctusllu can move to EU since my husband was born there. Fuck you USA and all you Trumo supporters. Enjoy the fhaos