Thank you for the informative Town Hall you graciously hosted this afternoon. It was another well-scripted display of egocentrism and lack of ability to relate to what is actually going on in the field day to day. And although completely expected, if you think for one minute all the rest of us are motivated to mimic what YOU did today, and what YOU are summoning your RBDs to do everyday, then the one who began this post hit the nail on the head. What? No questions at the end of the Town Hall? We all know that was because your 15 minute monologue answered all of them: even the ones we could have never even thought of. Here's some advice to you although we also know you are the sender of advice and not the receiver: Go take a class on how to relate to your team and spare us the condescending BS. I know this sounds angry and it is at the moment, but by no means is it personal: I wish you and your sweet family only peace and joy but it's time for you to know that you are addressing tenured sales professionals for the most part, who don't appreciate being talked down to.