Imminent Biotronik Recall?

The second comment is from a patient. Not industry!! Tread lightly you really are being watched by more than your peers!!

Right, 09:35 PM, the second comment you refer to is mine. The first comment is also from a patient, albeit not a patient advocate. Anyone here who thinks they're only being watched by their peers must still be wet behind the ears.

I AM watching this story. And clearly not only on Dr. Wes' blog. And your advice to "thread lightly" only underpins my rationale for being here. Think of it this way: for me it's not a job—or even a career. It's a matter of life—and death (get the motivation behind it?) You can try to contain this, but I wouldn't bet your 6-figure salary you can make it go away.

So here's the deal....been in CRM for 14 years and worked in the cath lab and pacer clinics
prior to that. I have worked for other CRM competitors as well. I've never heard of or seen a device blow up. I've never seen pictures of it before...but guess there is a first time. I'm concerned as a Biotronik employee that we are the only company that seems to have it documented and there are pictures. The company has put documentation on how to combat the competition on this topic so it's obviousy true and a concern. I know many people in the field very concerned about this. It's more of an issue than we think! If it were my family member getting a device...I might think twice about a Biotronik device!

End of year performance data? They are worried right now over what Europe is going to approve for budget next year. Many areas did not meet numbers and some are even down YOY

End of year performance data? They are worried right now over what Europe is going to approve for budget next year. Many areas did not meet numbers and some are even down YOY

Would be more worried if there were a Board of Directors and shareholders to please, but Max Jr. is it. He's smart. If there were no other factors at play, the failure of some territories would be actionable, but within the context of the US economy and in particular the CRM industry - how can he justify taking feet off the street when coverage is the FIRST objection to overcome when selling Bio?

The only justification would be to free up some headcount to apply in more strategic areas...but then again...the ones he'd be firing were considered just as strategic as the one's he'd be making the case for putting elsewhere.

Again, don't get caught comparing a privately held institution to the public ones...massive budget (personnel) cuts like the ones you so much want to see run counter to everything the company has been trying to do to increase the field force.

Would be more worried if there were a Board of Directors and shareholders to please, but Max Jr. is it. He's smart. If there were no other factors at play, the failure of some territories would be actionable, but within the context of the US economy and in particular the CRM industry - how can he justify taking feet off the street when coverage is the FIRST objection to overcome when selling Bio?

The only justification would be to free up some headcount to apply in more strategic areas...but then again...the ones he'd be firing were considered just as strategic as the one's he'd be making the case for putting elsewhere.

Again, don't get caught comparing a privately held institution to the public ones...massive budget (personnel) cuts like the ones you so much want to see run counter to everything the company has been trying to do to increase the field force.

I am not talking territories down. I am talking regions.

Would be more worried if there were a Board of Directors and shareholders to please, but Max Jr. is it. He's smart. If there were no other factors at play, the failure of some territories would be actionable, but within the context of the US economy and in particular the CRM industry - how can he justify taking feet off the street when coverage is the FIRST objection to overcome when selling Bio?

The only justification would be to free up some headcount to apply in more strategic areas...but then again...the ones he'd be firing were considered just as strategic as the one's he'd be making the case for putting elsewhere.

Again, don't get caught comparing a privately held institution to the public ones...massive budget (personnel) cuts like the ones you so much want to see run counter to everything the company has been trying to do to increase the field force.

So that means they will keep the dead weight? The reps in Chicago and out east? The ones they paid 600,000 to? (CB) The ones that promised the world and haven't brought SH1t? They will keep all this dead weight who are hurting their image and pocketbook so that they can keep up the facade that they are a real company? They are more effed than I thought. DS is an idiot and he better hope another can does not go KABOOOOOOOOOOM!

I am not talking territories down. I am talking regions.

Let's be serious about the management--thirty five years of attempting to penetrate the US market, and 3-5% market share: they do not have a clue regarding the US market, nor do they care. Most recent proof: their loyalty to long term Bio employees left hanging in the wind, so the newcomers can steal their sales. Can't vouch for just how smart Jr is, but I think this is about to play out in the very near future. I don't see JL hand in this expansion; someone decided to bet the store; that's not his style.

Let's be serious about the management--thirty five years of attempting to penetrate the US market, and 3-5% market share: they do not have a clue regarding the US market, nor do they care. Most recent proof: their loyalty to long term Bio employees left hanging in the wind, so the newcomers can steal their sales. Can't vouch for just how smart Jr is, but I think this is about to play out in the very near future. I don't see JL hand in this expansion; someone decided to bet the store; that's not his style.

Rest assured, JL has as much responsibility for this "expansion" effort as anyone. JL is a hands on manager, some say meddler. He is involved in EVERY decision of any significance. Including the hiring of the Nortwest team, DS, MI, etc.

Check out the threads in the BSC forum about pocket heating. The batteries are a growing problem at all companies producing implantable devices. The victims are the patients.

Check out the threads in the BSC forum about pocket heating. The batteries are a growing problem at all companies producing implantable devices. The victims are the patients.

Uhhh...this is a mistake--I saw stuff on the Medtronic website about pocket heating. I know SJM also has some that have gone "boom". Don't blame Biotronik...they are NOT alone with this issue and the Federal Drug Administration is well aware of this problem spanning multiple companies. A battery expert is certainly in demand at this point. Good luck!

Uhhh...this is a mistake--I saw stuff on the Medtronic website about pocket heating. I know SJM also has some that have gone "boom". Don't blame Biotronik...they are NOT alone with this issue and the Federal Drug Administration is well aware of this problem spanning multiple companies. A battery expert is certainly in demand at this point. Good luck!

Moreover, most of these "exploding" cans did not explode. Its a misnomer. The cans expanded, for sure, but there was no A-Team-like shrapnel fest.

Wow! I'm curious if any of you people actually work for a CRM company. My husband has worked for all of them including Bio and there are shady people in ALL of them and every company has covered up and tried to hide things. I remember his time with BSX and him receiving around 10 FedEx envelopes and you BSX employees know exactly what that means and the FACT is that BSX did withhold information and a young man in MN died. Every company has their issues and recalls but shame on all you people talking such crap on each other. I understand you are in sales and that is your livelihood but first of all you are humans and I'm sure your children would be so proud of you and some of the things you have said! It is every companies responsibility to have their priorities in order and produce and put out a good, reliable product not the sales force! You all need to check yourselves and your companies before you continue to bad mouth each other. What companies need to continually go out and apologize for wrongfully withholding information and being forthcoming with the issues they are having? Look at all the DOJ investigations...NO COMPANY IS CLEAN! You are poor sales reps if you have to put down other companies to make yourselves look better. You give companies bad names with your attitudes.

Wow! I'm curious if any of you people actually work for a CRM company. My husband has worked for all of them including Bio and there are shady people in ALL of them and every company has covered up and tried to hide things. I remember his time with BSX and him receiving around 10 FedEx envelopes and you BSX employees know exactly what that means and the FACT is that BSX did withhold information and a young man in MN died. Every company has their issues and recalls but shame on all you people talking such crap on each other. I understand you are in sales and that is your livelihood but first of all you are humans and I'm sure your children would be so proud of you and some of the things you have said! It is every companies responsibility to have their priorities in order and produce and put out a good, reliable product not the sales force! You all need to check yourselves and your companies before you continue to bad mouth each other. What companies need to continually go out and apologize for wrongfully withholding information and being forthcoming with the issues they are having? Look at all the DOJ investigations...NO COMPANY IS CLEAN! You are poor sales reps if you have to put down other companies to make yourselves look better. You give companies bad names with your attitudes.

Yes Mother!

Boy I feel sorry for your husband. You are a NAG LADY.

Moreover, most of these "exploding" cans did not explode. Its a misnomer. The cans expanded, for sure, but there was no A-Team-like shrapnel fest.

Use Google Translate on the link above. There was manganese and lithium found on the exterior of the can - that came from the battery, which normally resides inside the can, which means the can did much more than just "expand." And while pocket heating has been reported in the past, nobody has seen cans that expand, spew out battery chemicals in the pocket, and cause 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Give me a break.